chapter 7

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Chresanto: you got something to talk about. And I'm here to listen

Craig: no really I'm fine

Chresanto: Craig

Craig: well, if I confide in you, promise not to tell?

Chresanto:cross my heart and hope to die

Craig: you can't even tell Jacob

Chresanto: I can't promise that, But I'll respect your wishes

Craig: you willing to spit in each other's hands and shake on it?

Chresanto: Craig! Just tell me, and I'm not doing that

Craig: okay. Well I ..... I uuh. I'm sorry I can't

Chresanto: Craig we're bros. You can come to me with anything, just like I would come to you for advise

Craig: okay. Well I haven't been feeling myself lately. I been getting these... feelings. And I'm not sure about it

Chresanto: well what kind of feelings are these you speak of?

Craig: well I uhh noticed that I'm starting to take interest in.... boys

Chresanto: that's it? You coulda told me that so easily

Craig: well I didn't know of you may judge

Chresanto: how am I gonna judge when I am that way?

Craig: well I don't know. I'm just cautious that's all

Chresanto: I can understand that. Well who you think you like?

Craig: I can't say right now, maybe some time soon

Chresanto: I respect that. And do you like the feelings you're experiencing?

Craig: well yes, wait no, I don't know

Chresanto: don't you worry son. I gotcha if you need someone who can listen

Craig: thanks Chresanto

Chresanto: sure thing. Aye catch you later

Later that night, Chresanto invited Jacob over too his house to discuss Christmas plans.

Jacob: hi miss Viola

Viola: hey baby, how are you?

Jacob: I'm great and you?

Viola: same here. Chresanto's upstairs

Jacob:kay thanks. Santo??

Chresanto: what's up misfit

Jacob:your mom told me you'd be here. Oooh and I see she's making turkey surprise

Chresanto: that's the only problem with thanksgiving, leftovers

Jacob:tell me about it. But there's one more holiday this year, and I wanna know what give you

Chresanto: well I don't know, you figure it out as I will too

Jacob: oh somebody's edgy. What's wrong, haven't busted in a long time?

Chresanto: yes but that's not it

Jacob:well what is it?

Chresanto: ah nothing, but you think you can help me with my other problem?

Jacob:hmmm. Maybe after the first problem is solved

Chresanto: it's nothing really

Jacob: just tell me, I won't tell

Chresanto: Jacob, how did you first figure out that liked boys?

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