Chapter 11

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Zonnique:  we got something to tell you

Jacob: leave me alone. I've had enough with yall. the three of  you are always trying have to pick on me. I'm tiered of it!

Breaunna: look jacob, we're not here to start nothing, but we gotta tell you something

Jaocb: what?

Zonnique: well firstly we not hanging with Bahja no more cause she on some other kind of stuff, some bullshit. so we aint trynna do nothing

Jacob: yes and

Breaunna: well you remember Craig's New Year's Party?

Jacob: how can I not?

Breaunna: well i wanna say sorry cause... I kinda helped Bahja 

Jacob: with what?

Zonnique: she plotted a scheme to split you two apart so she could get Chresanto back

Jacob: what?!?!

Breaunna: we wanted to tell you, but Bahja swore us to secrecy. then we noticed that something was off about her

Zonnique: she started to feel really hostile every tine your name was within earshot

Meanwhile, Chresanto was with Bahja and they were sitting at a bench. Chresanto havent been himself in a while, since him and Jacob broke up in fact. He'd simply plaster on a smile to conceal the void within. Such an emptiness gives you the feeling as though something knocked all the wind out of your body, making you not want to see another day. Bahja most definitely took notice.

Bahja: whats wrong baby? Youve been so silent

Chresanto: im fine

Bahja: i know when your lying Chressy

Chresanto: I'm fine Bahja 

Bahja: im sure i can make you feel better

Bahja gently rubbed her leg on Chresanto's, trying to entice him. he was in his own world: he thought about Jacob, wondered what was he doing, and even wondered did Jacob miss him as much as he missed Jacob. He missed caressing Jacob's smooth skin ( not that Bahja's wasn't any less smooth, but she did have eczema flares at times) running his hands through Jacob's loose curls, and missed hearing Jacob's voice up close as he looked into his sweet, brown eyes. Bahja on the other hand, wore grey contacts, which happened to look too fake, but she thought it was cute. It finally hit him that he was caught in thought and he looked up to see that Bahja had sat on his lap and was trying to slip his penis out of his pants without anyone noticing. She was wearing a mini skirt and didn't have any shorts under, a quicker way to pop hers in  a quickie of you ask me. She had been stroking him with her hand for ten minutes, but Chresanto remained flaccid as he was swallowed in the yearning for Jacob Perez.

Chresanto: Bahja please, not now

Bahja: come on Chressy, you know you wanna

Chresanto: I said not now

Bahja if not now, then when?

Chresanto: I've got to go

Chresanto got up from the bench and walked away to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror: he was pale, he felt weak and light headed. he hadn't eaten and his parents took notice. They were worried for their son and every tine they'd ask, he'd say nothing was wrong. thing were getting darker and the world was spinning, spinning, spinning to the ground as his legs gave way and the mind went into sleep mode.


Mama Perez: so she messed my mijo's relationship so she can get him back?

Jacob: afraid so

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