Part 2: Ekdíkēsē "Revenge"

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A/N: When I first wrote Epiphania, I had longer chapters written but since I've seen that chapters are much shorter on Wattpad I broke my chapters in half. This will be longer than the other, hopefully that's ok. Thank you for reading JellyfishSong! 

Angelo came crashing back down to earth when he realized that Dimitri's father could come for him at any minute and Dimitri was naked. On Angelo's bed.

"Dimitri," he hissed, "Ela, Dimitri, get dressed."

His cousin stared at him as if he was crazy. "Can't move," he mumbled, more to himself, than Angelo.

Angelo quickly came to the conclusion that it would be in his best interest to dress Dimitri himself. After all, the last thing he wanted to do was have his perverted uncle figure out that Angelo was sleeping with his son. Who knew what he'd end up doing to Angelo once he got him alone.

Then he remembered. He didn't have to worry about that anymore. If dear old Uncle Stavros started with him, he could do what he'd just done to Dimitri. Of course he had no idea of how to actually do it, he'd been acting on instinct, but that was a problem easily fixed with practice. Later. Now, he had to be careful. He would have to dress Dimitri himself.

It would have been much easier if Dimitri hadn't changed out of his bathing trunks before he got to Angelo's house. Shorts would have been a good equivalent, but the night had been a bit too cool for that. Angelo sighed. The t-shirt would be easy, but the jeans would be a pain in the ass.

Angelo got dressed. Then he went back to the bed and began to dress his cousin.

He thought lifting Dimitri off the bed would be impossible, but now, it was as easy as picking up his pillow. Angelo repositioned him, so he was sitting up against the headboard, though it looked like he would topple over at any moment. He decided to get the easy part done first.

Angelo pulled the t-shirt over Dimitri's head, then lifted each arm and pulled it through. He must have jerked a little too hard because he suddenly heard something go *snap.* Mercy, he must have broken Dimitri's arm. He was going to have to be careful from now on.

Next came the jeans. The first part of it wasn't difficult. All Angelo had to do was slip the jeans on over one leg, then the other. After that, it was more complicated. Angelo had to somehow pull the jeans up with one hand while holding Dimtri's body off the bed with the other. Dimitri was no help at all. Fucking dead weight. It took a lot of maneuvering but he managed to pull it off.

It wasn't until after he saw them on the floor that Angelo realized he forgot to put on Dimitri's underwear. Screw it, Dimitri, would just have to be without his skivvies. At least the two of them looked decent now, and it was a good thing because Uncle Stavros came waltzing in a little while later.

He took one look at the semi-conscious Dimitri and chuckled. "You handle your liquor better than my son, he remarked to Angelo, who'd quickly kicked the briefs under the bed as soon as he heard the door open.

As usual, in front of others, he was civil to his uncle. "He drank more than I did. True enough.

Angelo looked at the older man struggling to help his stronger, younger son off the bed and had to stifle his laughter. He decided that one of the first things he would do when he figured out how to use this new power, was to pay his uncle a visit.

Dimitri was barely able to walk. His father had to put his arm across Dimitri's shoulders and sort of push him along, until they were finally out of Angelo's room. But before they left, Angelo saw that Dimitri had this weird look in his eyes. Like a lion who'd suddenly turned into a deer.

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