Chapter 3: Aema Kai Thanatos "Blood and Death"

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A/N: This chapter has non graphic and non penetrative child molestation. Thanks to JellyfishSong and  kittyvamp18  for reading.

Ela Gamoto is Greek for "Oh fuck" 

Click, click, click.

The sound of heels walking on the pier. It was about time. Angelo had waited most of the night but it was deserted until now. It was a cool night, perhaps too cool for anyone to troll around the docks for sex.

Now it was around midnight and Angelo was about to resign himself to a night of starvation. Then, he saw her.

His first thought was that the petite blonde girl was not from around here. There was no way in hell that any Greek father would let his precious little daughter out on the street dressed like that. Not unless he was whoring her out.

She couldn't have been more than thirteen or so, and one quick glance at her chest told Angelo that she'd just begun puberty. Her halter top revealed the budding of breasts, and Angelo liked the short black miniskirt and fishnet stockings. He wondered how she could walk in those stiletto heels.

As she got closer, he could see the remnants of innocence. Unlike most girls who walked the streets, this girl didn't paint up her face. The only color on her face was her cherry red lips, which contrasted with her pale cheeks.

Angelo found himself wondering what it would be like to fuck her, and quickly shook the thought out of his head. This babe in the woods wasn't a hardened kiddie whore like those he saw in Tampa. She must have gotten lost somehow and was selling the only asset she believed she had. Even though he was intensely attracted to her, and his cock was beginning to take notice, he wasn't gonna do anything about it. Not yet, anyway.

Instead, he told her in English, "This isn't the place for a pretty little thing like you. Go back home to your mama and papa."

She smiled. "I can take care of myself."

Angelo liked her accent, a sort of lilting French accent. No, she definitely didn't belong here. "What are you doing here, anyway? It's not safe."

"And it's safe for you?" she retorted. "I couldn't go back to my mama or papa, even if I wanted to. Mama's dead, and papa's in prison."

She had an odd way of speaking, with all the emphasis on the second syllable of her words.

Angelo shook his head. "It's a shame about your parents."

She shrugged. "I barely remember them."

Angelo didn't remember his mother either. When he was little, he used to wonder whether his father would have liked him more if his mother hadn't died giving birth to him.

Now it was too late. It didn't matter anymore.

Angelo reached into his jeans pocket and handed the girl a twenty.

She stared at it as if it was a cockroach. "What is this for?"

"You don't want to mess with the sailors and fishermen who would take what you're offering. They won't be gentle."

"And you want your turn." She pushed his hand away. "Keep your money. At least I know where they stand."

Annoyed by the way she distorted his intentions, Angelo shoved the money back in his pocket. He'd thought she was different. Softer. But she was just as cold-hearted as any other bitch. "Don't flatter yourself," he sneered." You thought I was paying you for sex? Please, I'll bet you're not even any good."

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