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     UGH, today at school I have a test. Not a normal one either, this test is all physical and mental, not social at all, this isn't any pen and paper test, it's a full-body-test, and I'm no athlete. Am I nervous? No I wouldn't call it that, am I scared? Not in particularly, however the only experience I've ever had with sports or physical activity is that I played t-ball in preschool. Even then I guess you could say I sucked as much as a preschooler, couldn't you? I guess that's just how life goes.

    When I enter the building there's a foul odor, which I later find out is mold in the school vents. I walk to my locker to get my stuff, and the school bully Dylan walks by. He shoves me over as he says "Dipshit" and laughs it off with his friends, we were friends in junior high but then he started to drift apart, he would call me names and play it off like he could do whatever the heck he felt like doing, he left my group and he joined a new one, and never really talked to me other than calling me a dipshit. Long words I guess. I entered my first hour class and sat down thanking God that the test wasn't until fourth hour. Nonetheless the first three hours of the day are no joyride either.

     When I get to gym, that's fourth hour, I enter the locker room and change into my gym clothes. Then I go to the actual facility known as the gym and was greeted by our teacher Mr.Johnson and the class lined up as usual for warm ups, usually he would call up a student to demonstrate how to do the warmups, and today he just HAD to pick me didn't he?! I got to the front of the class and demonstrated "the push up" and went back to my spot. After the warm-ups a girl walked in and said "is this mister Johnson's class?"and he said yes, and followed it up with a "your spot is next to him" and gestures toward me. She sat down on the floor next to me and said hi and I said hi back then she said "my names Chloe, what's yours?" And I said, "I'm Tyler". And that's when our conversation ended for the test was going to start any minute.

     The test started like any other,  with Mr. Johnson instructing us, we were to do a series of obstacles that he set up himself. And if we made it more than 75 percent of the course, you passed. If you didn't , you failed.  Dylan and I both passed. Chloe surprisingly finished the course.

     After gym the rest of the day was a breeze. In maybe we watched a video about decimals and after that we had an assembly for two hours. That evening I thought about the test. And about Chloe, she was cool, we'd sat next to each other during the assembly. It made me feel like she was already my friend.   Since I only have a few other friends, I felt that we were close. I brushed away the thought as I turned on my favorite tv show, "AMC's The Walking Dead" and my favorite musical group, "Earlyrise".  Later on My little brother walked in and said, "brother,  mommy left, she said something about a piñata! Can you take me to go hit the piñata?" My mom had gone to an adult birthday party of her friend's. I felt bad, but I had to say no. He whined and I looked at the clock, it was 9:00. "The Walking Dead" (Twd for short) had just ended. And I said, " you have to go to bed now, come on." And he said no, so I told him he had five more minutes and he then agreed.

     I like it when my moms not home and my brother is asleep, it's when I get to be alone, I get to watch YouTube, play video games, watch tv, or just go to bed. It's like my own little oasis. My "me time". And I worship that time. No one can judge me. Even though today, I spent most of my "me" time thinking of her.

(Hey guys, Corey here, I'm the author of "As Time Passes" and "The Hunted" .and if I were to be honest with you guys, I would have to say that I'm running out of ideas for, "The Hunted" I don't know how to make it good, so I'm doing something,  I need ideas from something, or someone, but I can't find him. So I'll be codling this book, every other day I'll do this one, and every other day I'll do "the hunted", now I'm not saying they'll be up every other day, I'm just saying I'll be working on them every other day. I actually wrote most of this part in school today on my school iPad, so anyways I hope that you guys would read this book, and if you like this book and haven't read "the hunted" you should go check it out on my profile. Neither of my books are completed  so there will be waiting on new parts from time to time, but I'm working on it. Anyways I'll have both books now, bye.)

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