Here for Now

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I sit there, holding Chloe in my living room.

"Tyler, can I stay here for tonight?" She asks

"Of course" there is no way I can say no, after what she told me, I wonder how shes feeling...

She thanks me, and hugs me again, then I go to get a towel for the spilled drinks. When I come back, she says something to me.

"Would you help me get some clothes from my house?" I don't have any here, other than whats already on my back. She looks out the window at her house around the corner. From this window, you can barely see the house, but I know it's what shes looking at. It has to be.

"Yea, I'll help, but how? How can I get in there without your dad finding out?" I was honestly scared of him at this point.

"I left my window open, that's how I got out of there, I don't know if it is still open, but it could be, and it's worth a try." Chloe says in a sad tone. I'm nervous, but I try to look cool in front of her.


Not long, were outside. The winter breeze stings my cheeks, and my body is cold. I have no idea how Chloe could bear running all the way to my house without wearing winter gear. She was right behind me. She would come along to show me which room was her's.

I can hear the thin layer of snow crunching beneath my feet as I walk down the street to her house. she follows, and prepares me for the 'mission', coaching me on what to grab, and how much of it to grab.

"I need at least three pairs of jeans, and four to five T-shirts. I also need three of four pairs of socks." She says, and then grabs me by the shoulder, and turns me around.

"Hey." She says.

"What?" I ask her.

"Thank you.." She says, then proceeds to hug me.

"I'ts okay, your fine." I say back. She smiles.

"Oh, and by the way, I need three bras, and at least six pairs of underwear." She smiles again, and I realize how badly I'm blushing.


At the house, I rush from the driveway to the right side, where Chloe's room is. I can see the propped open window, and I run up to it, then crouch under the open window, like I'm taking cover on a battle ground. I peek over the Perch of the window sill, and inside the house. The coast is clear, and I vault into the house, sending my legs through the window, and  following it by sending my body through, until my feet touch the floor.

Now that I'm in the room, I look around for a dresser, or something of the sorts. I find what looks to be a nightstand, but a bigger - sized nightstand.

Inside the nightstand, is her unmentionables. I proceed to grab a big  handful of each, then through them on the floor. I hear someone coming.

Shit! I think to myself, I acknowledge the point that I need to hide, and I also acknowledge the point that I don't want Chloe's dad to figure out that shes gone.

I don't know what I was thinking when I jumped onto her bed, and into the covers. As if hiding under the blanket would protect me from him, as it once did from the 'monster under the bed'.

*Squeak*. The door opened fast, and I shuttered.

"Hey Chloe, lunch is ready. I made tuna fish sandwiches, if you want to join me." Her dad was being awfully nice. I didn't say anything.

"Okay honey, but your mother and I will be waiting." maybe the reason he was being so nice, is because Mrs. Williams was there. I stayed still, as he continued to think I was his daughter. He exits the room, and I sigh in relief.

I continue to look for a dresser, and finally find it. I pull out four pairs of jeans, and two pairs of pajama bottoms. I also pull out five t shirts. I hit the jackpot when I find a big shopping bag to put them in.

I hop out of the window, and Chloe and I bomb rush to my house.  "we did it!" she cheers. I smile at her, and she smiles at me. We finally arrive at my house winded, and I lead her inside.


"Thank you, Tyler." she says, as she sits on the couch. She begins to pull out the clothing I grabbed her, and she smiles.

"Tyler, non of this matches!" she says, than giggles at me, happy that I got it for her, but shocked at how non of it " goes together ".

"What do you mean? They're all the same!" I say, confused. She laughs even harder. She pushes me as a joke.


Later, the world is asleep, except for me. I think about how much I hate Chloe's father.

When I'm finally drifting, Chloe walks in.

"Tyler, I can't sleep. I keep thinking about it." she says, crying softly.

"It's okay, come here." I say to her softly, almost asleep, but feeling sympathetic for her.

"Are you sure?" she asks.


She climbs onto my bed, and she lays down next to me. Waking up enough to realize that there's an actual GIRL on my bed, I freak out inside.

I turn on the T.V and once she falls asleep, I leave the room. I go into the living room to sleep on the couch, that way, my mom doesn't think anything.

Once again,  the world is sleeping. except for me.

(Hey guys and gals, My apology that I haven't been on in a while. You see, when they took our school iPads away at the end of the year for summer, it was truly hard for me to work. I normally typed on my school iPad, and that's why I tend to get more parts out during the school year then during the summer. I've found a way though, so expect at least three-four updates a month this summer.

If you liked this book, you might like some of my others, so check out my account, CoreyBush11! I have one other book, and I try to post as much as I can. You also might enjoy works by: @Jmzabinski , so go check him out too! A comment is much appreciated, and if you liked this chapter, leave a vote, or if you want to stay in tune, be sure to follow! Anything is VERY much appreciated!

I love to talk to you guys, and get your feed back, so feel free to leave a comment or check out my message boards, I will always reply! As always, -Bye)

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