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Reading is a journey that takes readers to thousands of different places, into the lives of thousands of different people, all through words. The author writes what they want us to see, to feel. But they also leave things unwritten for the reader to imagine.

Like writing, reading requires creativity. We are immersed in a fictitious world, creating an image in our head, becoming the characters, imagining the setting. Everything is significant, every sentence and every character, contributing to the new world the author created that we imagined. Each person has a different world because writing is subjective. Nothing is ever black or white, right or wrong. We interpret and imagine it in different ways. And I believe that is the beauty of reading.

Each person has their unique own world, even if it all comes from the same book. It is amazing, that words written in a page can take us to different worlds. When we read, we are not only reading the creative world that the author creates, but we are also creating our own.

And so I dedicate this book to all readers because without them, a book wouldn't become alive. Without readers, the setting, the characters, their world will only belong on pages in a book. Readers take these worlds in their minds and in their hearts and never let go of them. Because when all the pages of a book are gone, when the book is damaged and broken, the story will always remain alive in the reader.

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