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  ↣ Book Two


A One-Shot

based on A Note A Day by Siriusly_fandoms

[This is one of the two winning one-shots]


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear; how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

--Jimmie Davis, You Are My Sunshine



And like the sun, she radiated beauty and strength and kindness.

Her light brought people close to her. She had a heart of gold and she shared it with the people whom she loved and held dear to. And among those people were two boys who she loved the most: Malcolm and Theodore.

Her brother was one of the most precious people she held dear to. The boy who looked up to her, who loved her and would never let her go. The boy who poured his heart into acting just so he could be like his sister. The boy with so much charisma and confidence, one who would take up any challenge given to him. A creative little genius who would make up his own scripts and act it out along with his cousin and sister in front of their parents. The same little boy that had gotten lost in the woods trying to find the Tinkerbell to his Peter Pan.

The day he went missing when he was ten years old had been the scariest day of her life. At only twelve years old, she ran ahead of her parents to search every nook and cranny of the whole damned forest. Every little movement, behind every tree, over and under hills, she searched for her little brother until she found him sitting on top of a hill slightly off the trail looking at a sunset. After twenty minutes of searching and yelling, she found her brother sitting peacefully on top of a hill drinking a juice box.

"Malcolm! Where have you been? You had us all worried sick," she had shouted at her brother as she quickly ran up the hill.

"Sh, sh, I'm watching the sunset," he had replied, brushing his sister's words off.

"What do you mean sh, we've all been—" but her words were cut short as she approached the top of the hill, the view of the entire town unfolded below them, the yellow orb of the sun slowly dipping below the horizon.

She was breathless, the sunset entrancing her in an everlasting spell. The moment permanently engraved into her mind and into her heart. The sky looked absolutely magical, a myriad of colours playing and changing as the minutes ticked by. Around the sun were hues of orange and yellow, streaks of paint mixing and blending with the clouds in the sky. Beyond that, colours of pinks and oranges contrasted with the heavy azure of the sky that had yet to be touched by the rays of the dipping sun. Violets and magentas also sprinkled around as the yellows and reds were painting and mixing into the darker clouds of the sky. The whole array of the colour spectrum, all in one sky. Vibrant colours and pastel colours combined in a powerful contrasting way that made everything surreal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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