Chapter Twenty Four: Plans and Decisions

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*Carolins POV*

"How come you cant tell us the plan? Its not like i WANT to go with you guys" I spat out. I mean i had to! My life is on the line and so is Zayn...actually EVERYONE in this room has their life on the line but then my mind started to go back. Back when Zayn or Harry wasnt in me and Abbys lives. Me and her were perfectly fine without them and ever since then, our lives went down hill.

But then again, im glad i got to know Zayns good side. Maybe it was fate between us. Im glad that Abbys happy with Harry, im not sure if she is going well with the whole 'im changing him' deal but as long as she has a smile on her face right?

"Well, just kidding we dont have a plan just yet. BUT since today is Friday, we are leaving this house on Sunday night...if anything goes down we will all be right there. Plus  Caolin actually you might be used a bait" Josh said spinning around toward me with his hands together rubbing them.

"Uhh what do you mean?" I said giving him a confused look.

"Sunday night, you go alone in the woods, maybe that guy might show up and when he does...we will all be there to catch him" Josh said smiling like he had the greatest idea ever. WRONG

"Hell to the no" I said crossing my arms. There was no way i wanted to get myself killed.

"Hell no bro, your fucking crazy..she isnt going out there by herself" Zayn said defending me. I turn to him and he is glaring at Josh but knowing Josh, he didnt give two shits.

"Look we will all be there to protect her!" Josh said in defense.

"And what about Allys gang thats coming after us!! we have to look at that too!" Zayn yelled back. Josh sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Look they come in 2 weeks...This is only going to take 2 days...after that we can train...and im not so sure if you can even fight Zayn with your leg.." Josh said looking at Zayns leg.

"Ill be fine" Zayn mumbled.

"Yeah almost died of loss of blood TWICE Zayn....they CAN KILL YOU" Josh screamed. I covered my ears a ran to the corner and laid my head on the wall. This was all to much...Thinking of anyone getting killed made my stomach drop...thinking about Zayn or Abby getting killed hit me in the chest.

"Fine ill do it" I mumble under my breath regretting what i said instantly...but whats done is down, i turn around and with tears flying down my face. Everyones face dropped.

"Are you serious?" Abby said crossing her arms, i took a few steps forward and took a deep breath looking at the floor.

"We are thinking about this too much. Josh is right, the sooner we get this done..the faster you guys get to training...god if any of you get killed i-" I started to say before Zayn cut me off.

"You are NOT going out there Carolin....." Zayn said firmly. I look up at his face, meeting his dark brown eyes. His face had a worried and pissed expression on but he couldnt control me.

"Why not? Everyone will be out there close to me...." I said in defense. Zayn clenched his fists and punched the bed.

"WHAT IF YOU DIE? WHAT IF THEY HAVE A FUCKING GUN AND KILL YOU ON THE SPOT! THEY CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT!" Zayn said pointing to everyone else. I swolled and looked back at the floor, he was right. 

*Zayns POV*

There was no fucking way im going to let the best thing thats ever happened to me walk out there and get her self killed. There is NO WAY. I dont even care if my leg is in bad condition. I wont let her walk out that door.

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