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The week that came after Dean finding out about Cas went pretty smoothly. Dean and Sam had been coming over practically every day to learn more about angels in general, the Novak parents had even come around to the two hunters. But the best thing? There was no stirring with the Noctis.

Cas hadn't exactly come around to telling Dean about that whole fiasco yet, but he swore that he would. It would just have to wait though. Cas himself was still learning about how everything worked as his parents tried to explain.

Apparently the Noctis targeted supernatural beings. In a way, it would seem like the good guy. Think of it like a Lucifer maybe, no offense to Cas' brother intended. The Noctis was created with good intentions, but it turned rogue.

The whole purpose to start with was to find and cure supernatural beings, aside from angels since the Noctis was in fact created by God. The story goes that it had gone mad, from sitting locked up in a cage for more than a millennium, and it started to have murderous intent. The once graceful Matsugaras becoming twisted and sadistic.

Their appearance was the most visible change, and when God had noticed the change he had tried to destroy them. But he hadn't succeeded, the Matsugaras had grown more powerful without him having done anything. So the best option he thought he had was to leave them in that cage even longer, figuring they could never get loose unless someone physical let them out.

"So who let them out then?" The question came from Cas as his family was seated around the table with a casserole on the table.

His mom shrugged and glanced to Chuck for an answer, "Well don't look at me women, I only know as much as you do." She rolled her eyes at him as everyone started to serve themselves.

"I wouldn't worry too much, there's not even a one hundred percent chance that the Matsugaras go after angels. I mean, they weren't supposed to in the first place but I guess you never know." Anna smiled to Cas and gave him a useless shrug. She wished she could give her children more but it was all the information she had to give them at that moment.

Gabe moved his food around on his plate with his fork, pursing his lips a bit, "So There is still a chance that they could come after us?" 

When he and the rest of the kids looked up at their parents, they were met with silence. Well that was promising.


Dean glanced to Sam out of the corner of his eyes as he drove. The kid had finally forgave him after a few days, and damn could he hold a grudge. "So I guess I have to believe in angels now, huh Sammy?" He chuckled warily and turned his stare ahead. He still wasn't sure if he was on thin ice with Sam.

Sam of course gave him an A+ bitch face and sneered, "I so told you so." His face broke out into a small smile as he glanced to Dean. "So.." He looked down at his hands and picked at them a bit, "Cas is nice.." He grinned a bit and glanced to Dean.

Oh hell no, Dean knew what he was doing. "Sammy I swear if you so much as speak a word of it to Bobby and Ellen I will-"

"Whoa, chill Dean. Anyways I wasn't even sure before, but thanks for clearing that up for me." Dean groaned, internally smacking himself.

After a few minutes of silence Dean pulled into Bobby's but hesitated upon getting out of the car. Sam noticed his hesitation and cocked his head to the side a bit, "Dean? What is it?"

Without looking up, Dean asked, "Do you really think there's a God Sammy?"

Sam blinked a few times, Dean had never really been one to have faith or even talk about it. He found it oddly satisfying that he was at least questioning it now. A small smile slipped onto Sam's face as he nodded, "Yeah Dean, I do. Now come on and stop moping, Ellen probably has dinner ready."

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