Cracks in the Walls

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Dean had finally been able to wrangle the so called Cas away from his overbearing family. They were up in Cas' room, but Dean still couldn't fight the feeling that there was something different, something off. 

"So.. You said you were underground? Why would they take you underground? I thought they did that thing with the sun." He sat on the edge of the fluffy bed, keeping his eyes trained on Cas though. 

Cas shook his head with a small smirk, sitting next to Dean, "It's metaphorically Dean, they didn't actually swap out the sun for the moon. They just dimmed the UV rays, that's why it has been cooler out for the past few weeks."

Dean gave a slow nod, not sure how the real Cas would know something like that. "Well, I missed you. You had everyone really worried you know.." 

When Cas only shrugged in response, Dean knew for sure it wasn't his Cas. Sure, his Cas acted all tough and had that 'I don't care' facade, but it wasn't his true self. Dean had only known Cas for a few months, and the first few months were sure as hell rocky, but he could read people, especially the person he had fallen for, especially Cas.

- - -

"Dean, slow down and give me the blade Boy!" Bobby was trying to reason with him as he stomped through the house to grab the angel blade

"It's not fucking him Bobby! You said they could shape-shift!" He took the hand with the long silver dagger away from Bobby's grasp, knowing he would snag it out of his hand if he could.

Bobby on the other hand didn't know what to think. He wasn't on to test Dean's judgment, but Dean wasn't in a good place right now, with Cas gone, he wasn't in his mind. Well,that's not true,he supposed Dean was in his mind,but his mind was just making some pretty stupid decisions is all.

"Boy,you better be right about this.." When his hands fell to his sides in defeat, Dean gave a curt nod and walked out the front door. 

He made note to keep the blade stashed in the trunk of his car as he drove to school, he didn't want to end up forgetting where he had put it and then when the time came, he'd stand there like a stuttering idiot.

- - -

They hadn't come back for a long time, and Cas was completely alone as far as he knew.

He had tried everything, but his powers weren't working. They must have done something to him, problem is, he didn't know what.

His eyes flit around the muggy room. He saw cement walls with cracks running through them.They looked old. But the section he was in looked to be caged off with steel doors at the front of the room. He could hear water drop off of the pipes that were lining the upper sides of the walls.

The door gave an uneasy creak when it was pried open. When he saw a woman, looking to be in about her thirties with golden hair, walk in, he winced. He knew this wasn't actually a person, but he was just thankful the Matsugara wasn't in its true form.

She didn't speak as she opened an ancient looking jar and started to pour the liquid out into a circle around Cas. "H-Hey,Hey! What is that?" 

The woman just gave him a crude grin before putting the cap back on and stepping towards Cas,"What are you doing?! Get the hell away from me you bitch!"

"Well, that's rude. And to think I'm just giving you a little freedom." She sighed in fake distress before untying Cas' bindings and stepping out of the circle.

While Cas was busy trying to decipher what had just happened, she lit a match, throwing it onto the ring around Cas she had made. And then, Cas was no longer confused about the liquid. It had been holy oil, and now he was trapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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