Are You There dad?

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Dean and Cas finally made their way inside, walking a bit closer than platonically acceptable. When their arms brushed, it sent goosebumps up Cas' arms, making his fingers twitch in anticipation. 

"So the football team huh? You really are going all jock on me Mr. Winchester."

Dean just rolled his eyes at Cas as they collapsed onto his bed, "I just said I would try out, that doesn't mean I'm good." Cas sat on the edge of his bed, glancing to Dean who was sprawled out with his eyes closed.

With a desperate need for distraction, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. "Mhm." Dean smiled a bit and pushed Cas with his forearm. Cas let a small smile fall onto his face, Dean propping himself up on his elbows to see the TV.

"Oh shut up." Cas smiled before clicking on Doctor Who. He noticed Dean had turned towards him and was now staring at him with a goofy grin. "What?"

"You watch Doctor Who? Who's your favorite doctor?" Cas pursed his lips as he thought.

"Well, Eleven was great and Twelve is good too, but I have to go with Ten. I mean, come on, him and Rose?"

Dean scoffed a bit, "Seriously? Come on Donna and the Doctor, man!"

Cas threw a hand over his heart, as if almost personally offended," Holy fuck I can't even look at you right now just leave." Dean pouted, batting his eyelashes. /Dammit how can someone be hot and cute at the same time?!/ Oh right, the just have to be freakin' Dean Winchester.

"Okay fine, but you're still a disgrace. Never forget that."

"Oh please. I'm a joy to be around."


Dean had taken Sam home just before dinner, which was good because Sam started bitching about the homework he had at about that time. When Sassy-Sammy comes out,you know it's time to go.

Dean tried to help him study for awhile,but really he just flipped the flashcards Sam had made earlier. But come on, who actually remembers what they learn in their freshman year of high school?

"Dean that's wrong." Sam pointed out for what had to had been the hundredth time,which made Dean stutter.

He aggressively pointed to the card,"Sammy I'm reading exactly what you wrote!"

Sam just rolled his eyes, "You have two cards stuck together Dean." He snatched the cards away from Dean and pulled them apart.

"Okay fuck it you can read flash cards yourself." Sam nodded his agreements as Dean got up and went on his laptop.

In all honesty, he wasn't going as stir crazy as he would have thought for having not gone on a hunt in nearly three months.

He decided to look up some research on angels,trying to decide which of all of the lore was actually accurate and which was not.

His dad crossed his mind after a moment and he wondered if he even knew angels existed, or about the Noctis? Without much thought, he snatched his phone and went out to the old junk yard that had once beautiful cars now rusting away to nothing everywhere you looked.

Dean wasn't really surprised when his dad didn't pickup, why would he start being a good dad now anyways?

"Er, hey dad, its Dean.. I just, um.. Just give me a call back when you can, thanks, bye." He hung up and slid his phone back in his pocket, looking around at the darkening lot of cars.

Sometimes he wished that just for one day, one day, they could be a normal family. No monsters or saving the world, just the Winchesters. But he knew that never could, or would for that matter, happen.

Dean ended up sitting on the hood of a beat up Volkswagen and laying back to look up at the stars. He tried to ignore the fact that he was going to have rust chips all over the back of his clothes when he stood up.


John had finally tracked down that yellow-eyed son of a bitch, it was finally time to avenge his wife.

He had tracked the sucker down to an almost abandon looking town somewhere in mid-western Kansas. It seemed poetic that what started there, must also end there.

John was currently sat crouched behind the cover of a bush, watching through the small gaps in the leaves as Azazel spoke in hushed voices with figures John couldn't quite make out. This had peaked the hunter's curiosity, and with this demon, he knew he couldn't be all 'shoot first ask questions later,' he needed to absorb all of the information he could. For all John knew, Azazel wasn't the only one who had a hand in his wife's death.

"I was the one who released you and I can put you right back where you belong! You will do as I say do you hear! And in exchange, I'll let you keep your freedom."

The creatures tilted their heads to the side, a low growl coming from their directions. "What you don't believe that I know how to do it? Try me." John frowned at this, what was he trying to get them to do? "My 'army' failed me, if you do this, I'll make sure you get your revenge on heaven, and I'll get the throne to hell." John watched as the voices drifted off, getting further away as they walked.

He had half a sense to follow them,but he also wasn't suicidal either, especially with two boys waiting for him to get back home.

As he was walking back to his old truck, he saw that he had a missed call from Dean. Fuck.

But just as he was about to call Dean back himself, his phone started vibrating in his hand and he saw that it was Dean again. "Dean? What is it? Sorry I missed your first call." He slammed the door of his car shut against the wind and turned it one to get the heat on, holding the phone to his shoulder with the side of his head as he warmed up his fingers by putting them in front of the noisy vents.

The other side of the line was quiet for awhile which made him unsure about what his son was going to say next. /Oh god, please don't let him say he got some girl pregnan-/

"Dad have you ever heard of something called the Noctis?"

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