happy sweet moment

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note: still in the past


my friend made a fake wedding certificate for me and Ian even me still in denial, what's going on between us. yes, i still dont know if im finally in love, honestly i dont know what the feeling of being in love. i dont care if he didnt feel the same way i feel for him, i want to know what's the meaning of this strange, unfamiliar feelings for him. 

im to innocent in that relationship, i like him that what im really sure. thats way my weired friends did the fake certificate and the way Ian involvement in our situation, im glad that he treate me the way i didnt expect to did to me like when im sleepy in class, i put my head on my desk and i let my hair fall all over my face then he sit on my side then touch or remove the hair on my face, everytime he did that my heart beat so fast that i dont have strength to tell him to stop what he doing coz in a first place im not comfortable a guy touch my hair when i didnt know thats why i feel weird feelings to him. he's the first guy that i allow to touch my hair you know my spill always to my friend is 'touch me everywhere but not my hair' coz i always put an effort to style my hair but for him i dont care. 

sometimes when he sit on the backsit then my hair is just straight and not in style, he touch and play it that i really really like then my friend see that so sweet and weird in me coz no one can touch my hair... 

one time that i really dont know that i fall asleep during lunch break my friend told me that Ian taking care of me like sitting on myside, touching my hair and the big thing he did he hug me quick but me being denial i didnt believe the hug.

one event that i really didnt expect to happen is when we went to a park after school me, him and our friend theirs a weird guy that come to me when im sitting alone in bench coz some of my friend buy a food or walk around then Ian made a quick phone call, the guy sit next to me that i ddnt like the way he stare at me and make me uncomfortable, i try not to panic and just wait to Ian but when he start putting his arm on the back of the bench when im sitting i stand quick then then the weird guy copy what i did and im start looking for Ian or some of our friend. 

so i pretend to walk around until i saw Ian but the weird guy still following me, its so creepy, thank god finally Ian saw me then walk towards me 

"hey" he said 

"uhhmmm... im looking to others" i said then the creepy guy still following me then he approuch Ian, they walk a few meters away from me, i dont know why Ian come with him then when they get back 

"hey! whats the talk?" i ask 

"its some guy talk" he said then the guy start coming for us 

"ahhh... Ian? his coming" i said slightly nervous then Ian grab my hand then walk fast walk away from a creepy guy, thanks to him.

when the prom comes, yeah he ask me to be his date coz of my friend but i tell him that if he dont like coz they force him to come im ok to be alone and i have a company from my friends but he said that he excited to prom and its ok thats me is his date, so who i am not to come... 

during the dance he never let me dance to other even some of them is my friend, one of the reason i love him, yes im totally inlove to Ian so he is my first love and im proud to myself, i love him head over heel like i his my air to breath...

end of our school year, were pretty good to each other company and im happy that he gave me a kitchain and a card said 'never forget me by Ian' , im happy that he value our relationship, what so ever relationship that we have, im just happy to his company. 

the day for our last day i want to hug him and finally told him that im inlove with him and i dont care if what he going to answere but its never happen coz we are both drag from our seperate friend but i told him that we are still in touch then at least he said goodbye and im good to that.

good thing happen to us that we always talking and texting to each other even in midnight like the whole they is not enough to us. 

finally i ask him if he like me coz i already i mean my friend already told him that i really 

really like him, he said coz im true and he didmt know why he like me and he also enjoy my company, we sometime talking on the over 4 hours and we never get tired and im happy sometimes his talking about future when we getting married and im just playing along with him and im happy that he picturice that we are together in future, i never forgot that conversation specially when he told me the word 'I love you' i didnt ans. in a minute coz im shock and never expected, yeah were texting i love on the last message of the text before sleeping but hearing saying him i love you make me out of my mind that he still waiting to my ans. so yeah i told him 'i love you too' in a whisper way coz my parent is already in my surrounding but i text him that i love him so much and apologize that i ans. him in not so confident way coz of my parents and im glad that he understand. 

and i love him even more...

Just a Dream (Nian "NIna and Ian")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant