Back story

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When I was younger like any kid was, I was skinny. I was a happy, hyper kid always running around playing always with friends.

Around the age of 8 I was under a lot of stress, a story for a different time. I started gaining weight at an unhealthy level. At first my parents would tell me that I wasn't fat I was healthy....I knew otherwise, as mean as little kids are I would get made fun of for my weight constantly. I wasn't happy with myself I didn't like the way I looked, but I didn't let it show I would ignore the comments. I tried not to let them but the comments and things did get to me I was bullied in elementary and middle school I was overweight with glasses. I got a lot of names within that time from people at school and my now ex step brother who would make fun of me as well. My brother being tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, and popular, couldn't really be made fun of although if anyone made fun of me in front of him he'd stand up for me. I loved him for that no matter what the asshole did.

No matter what everyone said I thought I was fat I didn't like the way I looked in any clothes and I hated the way I looked without any clothes. Even though I didn't let it show very often I knew everyone was right I had been fat and overweight and I hated it I didn't know what to do. I would cry all the time. (another reason I got made fun of) and no matter how much someone would tell me I was beautiful, or I wasn't overweight, that I should love myself and not let the haters get to me I never believed it I hated the way I looked and nothing no one could say would fix that. My siblings were both twig thin even though we weren't blood related I was the odd one out, and I knew it I hated it, I wanted to be like them.

All through middle school and 4-5 grade I was gaining weight like crazy and I would get bullied I also moved every year, 9 times in 8 grades if that gives y'all a hint. So I didn't have to deal with it for long only a year then I got new bullies and it never failed either, every year I moved it didn't go away and I thought it was because I was fat I was ugly. No one wanted to be friends with a fat ass and I knew it I absolutely hated myself. I guess you could say that's kinda where it started.

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