When it started

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In 8th grade I was still really overweight, I didn't like myself at all. After I moved I found some of my older friends that I had known for as long as I could remember. About 2 months after I moved one of the guys that I grew up with, known literally my entire life, started messaging me on Facebook. After a month or so of us flirting he asked me out, we didn't get to see each other a whole bunch he was a freshman and I was in 8th grade we were dating for 3 almost 4 months. A little into the year at the new school I started eating less, in 2 weeks I lost 20lbs my parents took me to the doctors and the only thing that happened was weight loss. Another week passed I had lost another 20lbs, 40lbs within 3 weeks, I stopped eating as much I was eating a quarter of what I used to and even when I ate that I felt like throwing up. One night all I ate was 1 small taco and I almost threw up my parents brought me to the hospital again more tests were run but of course nothing was found.

After that night I had blamed my eating habits on the fact that I didn't get hungry, which was true for a certain amount of time. When my parents would ask why I wasn't eating I would say I'm not hungry the normal lie, eventually I did start to get hungry but I continued to say I was having problems eating. I would eat as little as possible during the day. I ended up breaking up with my boyfreind because I found out he had been cheating on me with a girl in South Carolina I live in Texas, and lived 5 minutes away from him. Knowing him my entire life that hurt me he kept begging me to take him back saying he still loved me but I didn't believe him.

The summer before freshman year is when I started to realize I was anorexic. I didn't do anything about it at that time I had been battling my "eating disorder" as I called it for a little over a year I didn't want help I was fat. I weighed myself daily 2 or 3 times a day to make sure I was losing at least a pound or more each day and when I didn't lose my goal weight one day I wouldn't eat the next day as a "punishment" to myself. I would go on bike rides for 3-4 hours out of the day every day and when I was with my mom for a week at a time I wouldn't eat at all because she wouldn't force me to.

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