Chapter Six

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"... Run that by me again," You huff, after you came out of the bathroom with a bundled and clean kitten.

"Lets name him Mr. Shnookems!" He repeats.

"It's a girl Wade, and no," You tell him.

"Then how about Princess Moxy?" He says cheerfully. A slight chuckle escapes you and a slight smile pulls on your lips.

"I was thinking... How about Princess Spidey?" You chuckle. Wade pauses, and you could see him grin under the mask. He falls to the ground laughing for a bit. He straightens up after a bit, carefully taking the striped kitten.

"Princess Spidey Huh?" He chuckles. The kitten starts to purr at that.

"She seems to like it," He comments, setting her on the couch.

"Princess Spidey it is," You murmur, with a nod and soft smile as the kitten began to play by herself on the couch. Wade smoothly wraps an arm around you.

"So, you seem to be in a good mood," He comments. You hold up your pistol calmly. He doesn't remove his arm,

"You'll scare Princess Spidey," he warns.

"That's why I have this," You point out, attaching a silencer. He moves away, "Fine, I'm going to sleep," He sighs.

"So, you don't want to have icecream with me?" You murmur, making yourself sound disappointed. He stiffens slightly, and turns back to you.

"Icecream sounds good," He says, heading for the kitchen. You smirk at his back, 'Pushover,' You think, following after him.

"No, Wolverine is mean," He says, pointing his spoon at you.

"Aha! So you do know him!" You catch, pointing your spoon back at him. He pauses for a moment, realization flashing over his face.
"Sneaky! You are sneaky Babe!" He chuckles. You shrug.

"Anyway... What about you? You carry a lot of heat for a photographer, and I mean that in more ways than one," He comments. You hold in a laugh.

"I uh used to be a soldier in a special unit," You admit, then just for the hell of it you add,

"And I feel naked without a gun.

He pauses at the visual given, jaw hanging open slightly.

"Your um... Icecream..." You trail off, wiping the Icecream from his chin. He shakes his head briefly as you pull back.

"Special Unit?" He echoes.

You pause, "Um yeah- Aw! Are you tired Princess Spidey?" You murmur to the kitten as she nuzzles your foot. You set your glass aside and pick up the kitten.

"We'll be checking in now, goodnight Wade," You say, grabbing the glass and putting it in the sink before going to the living room.
"Goodnight," He says. You lay down on the couch, and Princess Spidey nuzzles your neck, swiftly falling asleep. You were half asleep by the time Wade turns off the kitchen light. He comes over and leans over you.

"Sweet dreams y/n," He whispers, touching your arm and kissing your cheek before briefly petting Princess Spidey. He goes into his room and shuts the door. You open your eyes with a slight frown. 'This could be bad...' You think.

"So you're going on a job?" You ask, as you and Princess Spidey watch Wade put on his Merc equipment.

"Yeah, you wanna go?" He replies.

"Nah, they're still using pics from the last job," You tell him. Princess Spidey lets out a mew.

"Don't worry Princess, daddy will be back soon," He tells the kitten, stuffing a large ak47 into his magic satchel. 'Daddy?' You echo silently.

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