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"H-hello? Is this thing on?"
The author gets a nod from the DJ.

"Alright... GOOD EVENING MY LOVELIES!!!" The entire stadium erupted into a loud cheer. The ground shook as they all began stomping their feet.

"Alright alright....ALRIGHT!! Settle down now!" The Author laughed as the constant cheers of the readers reverberated against the walls. She rose her hand and the crowds cheering died down.

"Who here liked the story!?!" The uproar immediately rose as the 'people' screeched at the top of their lungs.
The Author giggled at their enthusiasm.

"Aright my lovelies, I know you all must have some sort of crush on our big dork. Otherwise you WOULDN'T of read this story!!" The author stated as she began to pace across the stage.

"Well I have a VERY exciting announcement for ALL of us!!"
She stopped at the center.

*random drumroll from DJ sona*

"MY STORY IS NUMBER SEVEN!! AND ITS ALL THANKS TO YOU ALL LOVES!!" The aithor stayed with pure pride. Only boosting her ego, the entire crowd began shouting and whistling as the author did her happy dance on the stage.

"I also have One, two THREE SPECIAL GUESTS!! COME ON OUT GUYS!!" The author stepped to the side of the stage as the lights turned red and started flashing everywhere.

"THE ONE AND ONLY MERC WITH A MOUTH, PLEASE WELCOME...DEADPOOL!!!!" The red and black superhero danced his was onto the stage. He then turned around and sashayed his way to the front. He smirked and made a gun with his hand.

He slowly aimed down towards WaywardTimelady.
"BANG!" His arm shot up as though he fired a real weapon.
A roar of screeching came out of the girl. She collapsed, only gaining a smile.

"There is plenty more where that came from ladies!!"

"Woah woah deadpool, hold on big guy. We do need the audience." The author said as she grabbed his bicep, which he began flexing.

"And now would be a great time for our other special gu-" The crowd cheered again as the h/c-ette stepped out onto the stage.

"Yah... Go on y/n, why not, I thought i was gonna call you. Meh whatever."

Y/n rose her hand in a bored matter.
"Hey." She simply stated as she caught sight of Dead pool.

"HEY! FUDGE KISSER, THE CRAP YOU DOING?!" Y/n fumed as she pulled out her gun, she pointed it at Dead pool, who was to busy flexing to notice.

"Adios you red and black blabbermo-" A web shot out before she could finish her sentence.

"Hey! Red is a rather nice color, along with blue of course." The fan girls screamed, many even fainted as Spiderman and his dopey self swung out from behind the stage.

The author looked between the three of them as she threw her hands into the air and walked behind stage.

"Hello Ladies!" Spiderman said as he jumped downbinto the audience, gently placing a kiss on MissBlue98's hair. He winked at her, she blushed deeply as she smiled at him.

Spiderman swung back onto the stage. Doing a swift flip and gracefully landing on his feet.

"I'm back!!" The author said.
"Now anyway my loves I believe these beautiful people have a few words."

"Yes we do!" Dead pool said, snatching the mic.

"Hi." He said flirtatiously and dropped the mic.

"Idiot." Y/n muttered as MyDigitalSky quickly handed her the mic.

"Sorry about that idiot. But hey, you can't help but live em. Am I right?" The fan girls screeched.

"Ahaha I'll take that as a yes. But I just wanted to say thanks for reading this story. The author has a special surprise at the end." Y/n smiled, and handed said lady the mic.

"Alright spiderman you don't get a say, now who has questions? You can ask any one up here a question." The entire audience rose their hands.

"All right, see how many people there are here, don't be angry if I don't get to you. Now...hmm. How about you Ren_Ritsuka?"

"Hi, um can I ask Dead pool something."

"What's up babe?!"

"H-hi! Um w-would you marry me?"  The crowd erupted into High pitched squeals.

Deadpool covered his ears.
"AAAAGGHHHHH'!!! STOP AAAAGGG-" His cries quickly ended as his head exploded.

The girls stopped screaming and looked at him.

"A-anyway, any other questions?"
Dreamfalls rose their hand.

"Hey I gotta question for y/n."

"Yah, go on kid."

"So umm...why did you choose deadpool? You do know he will eve eventually outlive you?"
Y/n nodded her head as she looked towards the roof.

"Yah, but you gotta live in the moment."

The author grabbed the microphone.
"Alright no more questions. But I would like to say a few more things. HEY PEOPLE WHO SPAMMED MY ACCOUNT WITH VOTES!! Its Very Much Appreciated!! I Would Like To Say Senpai Noticed You!!
Oh My Gosh Especially Konekothecatdemon, SlashBlaze, BloodyCatalina, Lexicool1111, hobngtwab, and so many others!! Thank you and GOODNIGHT!!"


How was that little concert? To be honest, I was having a hard time writing that XD

But anyway I would like to make a statement.

To celebrate, I will be hosting a poll to see what story I should write next.

I have been a bit bored and didn't know what to do.

So should I do:

•Bonnie x reader

• Foxy x reader

•Marionette x reader

Other supers
•Batman x reader

• Steve (cap'n murica) x reader

• Pietro (quicksilver avengers) x  reader

•Spiderman x reader

Even some anime~

•Rin okumura x reader

•Haru x reader (free)

• Tamaki (ohhc) x reader

•Zero x reader (if I didn't do one already)

Tell me in the comments, or if you have some other suggestions!!! And hey, I might even do a few of them~

~till next time

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