chapter 2

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chapter 2: Troye was his name

Today was Tuesday , and i'm tired as fuck. Schools starts at 8:00 a.m and it's 7:50. a.m. I quickly ran to my closet to grab some clothes. I rushed to the bathroom , while still putting pants on. sorted out my hair and brushed my teeth. I had to time to eat so I took my bag from the floor and ran outside to jump on my bike . I arrived at school just as the first bell rings.

My first class was different , someone new had joined us. He had a slender figure with a blondish hair color and great fashion wear. The annoying teacher told everyone to sit in there seats. The slender boy and I had a brief moment of eye contact. I started to have this weird feeling. I've never felt it before but I just brushed it off.

The teacher, Mr.Jungkook told the class that the slender boy was from Australia . He then told us what the boy's name was.

"Class this is Troye , make him feel welcome. Troye you may take the empty seat beside Mr.Franta."

I watched Troye as he travel from the front of the class to the seat beside me.He took the seat beside me , he turned to me and smiled and said ''as you already know i'm Troye , what's your name?" I was taken back when he made an effort to talk to me . " Its Connor , Connor Franta.''

Turns out Troye is in both of my morning classes.Its lunch now and i'm going to go where i always go .My school is located in the woods, well my whole town is. Nothing but trees here. Near my school there is a trail , it leads to a patch of wild raspberries and maple trees . I always eat my lunch here alone. This is normal for me. To eat alone. Until someone taps my shoulder.

"Hey Connor is it ok if I eat with you today. I don't really know anyone else." Troye asks me and I smile and nod. As I walk to the normal spot I normal go Troye asks me a question.

"Hey Connor, do you always eat alone?" Troye asks me.

"Yeah all the time. I am not the social type as they call it." I say as i walk over the bridge over the creek to the spot. Troye follows behind and all I want to do is go home and just do what I need to do.

"What kind of music you into?" Troye asks me trying to start conversation.

"I don't really mind what kind I listen to." I say and Troye jumps in front of me.

"Well me too. I am kind of a singer but not a big one yet." Troye says all happy like. I don't know if I am the kind of person to say I like this kid already. Although he seems like the type of person I would hang out with more. I do have this feeling i have never felt before. I don't know what it is. It's like a pain in my stomach when he talks. I decided to brush it off again not wanting to worry about my problems on my lunch break. That's what night time allows me to do. I think during the night and gather more during the day. We finally get to the place where i love. Troye puts some music on and I just open my bag and have my sandwich and my juice. Then Troye speaks again.

"So what are you into?" Troye asks me and I look into the woods more.

"Well I am into the arts category like taking photos and well ..... drawing and all that." I say looking threw my phone for a good picture.

"See I like taking photos." I say and hand him my phone.

"Wow these pictures are amazing." Troye says and looks threw some more.

"Thanks." I say and look up in the sky for clouds.

For a while is was quiet . It wasn't a awkward quiet ether, it was nice. Having someone else around is nice . I like the feeling of having someone around. I like Troye being around.

It was almost time to pack up and go to our next class, but Troye suggested us to do something.

"Hey Connor , do you wanna go on our first adventure?" Troye asked with excitement in his eyes. i didn't know what say. What did he mean by adventure? Also what did he mean by our first adventure?

" We have class though" I almost whisper because I felt like I was a goody good.

Troye answered me right away." It's fine Connor , I promise that you'll have fun."

Troye came up to me and reached out for my hand. I let him have my hand as he does I regret the whole thing. I have never been out of class. I was always the early, never skip person. I was never the rebel.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he runs thru the bush.

"You will see Connor." Troye says and that's when I get worried i never really known Troye for that long who knows what will happen next.

AdventuresDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora