chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Troye's P.O.V

I have no clue where I am taking Connor but I want an adventure. I want to spend time with him. He seems cool and I have a good feeling about him. He makes me feel warm inside like no other person makes me feel. I grab his hand tighter as I walk thru the bush. All I know is that I want to get some high ground so I can see where it would be better to go.

I walk forward to see where I can take connor. I'm not sure where i'll take him but I know we will be glad we didn't go back to school.

"So Troye where did you live before you came here?"

"I lived in Perth, Australia." I say as we walk up a hill. I know I am out of shape because I can't climb a single fucking hill.

"Is that a small town?" Connor asks me as we walk up the hill I wait for a second trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah a very small town." I say as we walk up the hill. Connor is a little off easy when I get close to him it seems as he is hiding something.

As I start to get comfortable around Connor I jokely grab his coat , as I did this a ball of tin foil falls out of his pocket. He quickly reacts by trying to pick it up, but I stop him with me grabbing it first.

"Connor what is this?" I say holding in my hands away from Connor's reach. I slowly open it up afraid of what could be inside.

He studders "umm-mm I-iit is." Connor says not able to finish.

I open the ball and right when he dropped it I knew it was drugs ... I quickly got up and embraced him. Connor then began to cry. I could hear him whimper. I know the feeling of this but not the full effect.

"I didn't want you to see me like this." he sniffs.

"Connor it's okay to be sad. I understand. I will understand." I say looking at Connor in the eyes I take out my phone and play Like I can by Sam Smith. We continue the walk , I wonder what is wrong with Connor. Why he is so sad and depressed. I finally get tired of walking and I sit down.

"Connor it's ok to feel this way it's ok to feel sad and lonely hell I felt like that when I moved here and now look at us. I know it's hard and if you ever need someone to talk to I am here for you." I say and watch his movements how I saw a happy young boy just crumble in front of me.

"I know it's ok to feel this way I just didn't want you to see me like this. looking so weak ." Connor says and looks down and plays with the leaves.

"Connor if you think I am going to judge you because you are sad. I wont dont you worry about that. If people judge you because of it then they deserve to be hit because being sad is not bad it's part of nature." I say feeling bad for Connor I know the pain. I have been thru it I just don't know what his problem. I know he won't tell me because I haven't known him for that long.

"I know you won't judge it's just I don't like people seeing me like this." Connor says and I just think what I need to say next.

"You can tell me anything Connor. I want you to know that." I say and look at him worried about him.

"Yeah." Connor says and stands up and I stand up as well and we walk I still dont know where but we keep walking.

"Look!" I say running down the hill hoping not to trip.

"Wow." Connor says in amazement.

"Told you it would be good." I say smiling at him.

"You just moved here. How would you know what this is?" Connor asks me confused.

"Secrets." I whisper in his ear and run down the hill.

Connor's P.O.V

Troye just sent shivers down my back, with his breath on my neck it was a weird feeling, I see him running down the hill, hoping he doesn't fall.

"Hurry Connor!" He yells running into this place I have never seen before.

"Troye I have no clue how you found this, if you have this weird fucking sence that can point out cool things but I fucking love it!" I yell after getting down that hill and I trip on a rock and before I realize what is happening I grab Troye and he falls with me. Shit why do I have to be so fucking clumsy, Troye lands on my chest and I start to blush.

"Enjoying the view?" Troye asks all cocky like. To be honest I am enjoying the view. NO Connor stop it!

"Connor you okay? Did you hit your head?" Troye asks standing up and he holds his hand out for me to grab which I do.

"yea.. yeah. I am fine." I say and then I have this feeling again of butterflies, this warm feeling I dont even know what to call it.

"You sure you went white for a second I was worried you hit your head." Troye says turning me around to look at my head. He is making this feeling worse, maybe its just because he is becoming my friend I get this feeling I have never had a friend.

"No I really am okay Troye." I say to him and he turns me around and brushes off some of the leaves. I look at his hands, SNAP OUT OF IT CONNOR. I yell in my head.

"Okay lets get this adventure going!" Troye smiles at me and fixes the beanie on my head and turns around and walks through this place I have never even seen.

"I dont know if this is safe Troye." I say there goes my anxiety acting up.

"Oh Connor come on you have to live life. You need to learn to say yes to things more." Troye says and I realize he is right I need to push this fact of dangerous back in my head and enjoy my life while I can. I mean like right now I can worry about shit tonight in my room alone.

"Your right. Troye lets go on this adventure." I say and think about this for another second and my feet take me towards Troye's direction, I know my head is screaming no but my heart is screaming go. I finally listen to my heart not my brain. Thank you Troye for finally letting me live. 

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