Chapter Eight: Ringo

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My date with Rhiannon was absolutely perfect. I don't think it could have gone any better. We sat in her cozy living room, sipping big mugs of frothy hot chocolate, and chatted about every single subject under the sun. Rhiannon was such wonderful company and shared my likes, dislikes and interests. She even played the drums! (Well, I guessed she did. There was a large drum kit sitting in the corner of the room, and the skins looked pretty well used.)

I didn't want the date to end, but unfortunately, it went a lot quicker than I had wanted it to. I felt terribly sad when Rhiannon walked me to the door to say goodbye.

"I had a wonderful time, Ringo," she said shyly.

"So did I," I replied, grinning brightly at her.

"I hope I can see you again soon."

"I hope so too."

"Maybe... Maybe we could meet up next weekend?"

This seemed a bit out of the ordinary. Wasn't the guy meant to ask the girl out, rather than the other way around? I still nodded eager, which was acknowledged by Rhiannon smiling pleasantly. I loved it when she smiled; her entire face seemed to light up and her eyes twinkled like two stars. But there was something a little sinister about this particular smile. I couldn't figure out what.

Rhiannon and I said a final goodbye, then I turned away and went on my merry way. I couldn't wait to tell the lads all about my wonderful date, and I was also secretly longing to hear all about theirs, too. I was also worried - if they didn't enjoy themselves, then I was sure to get the blame. I'd introduced the girls into their lives so it was only expected.

Luckily for me, I didn't have much to worry about. I was welcomed home by a massive tidal wave of thanks and appreciation. As soon as I set foot in the door, Paul pounced on me.

"Ringo, my lad, you did a splendid job!" he cried, seizing my hand and shaking it gratefully. I was so taken by surprise that I had no idea what he was talking about at first.

"Thanks, Paulie," I said. "What did I do?"

"You set me up with the most beautiful girl this side of anywhere!" Paul crowed, still pumping my arm up and down like a handle on a waterspout.

"At least you had a good time, Paul," a voice called from the floor.

Paul and I looked down and saw George lying sprawled out on the carpet, his skinny legs propped up against the wall. Baby Serenity was balanced on his tummy, burbling and smiling. George was making silly faces at her, making her giggle, but he didn't seem too happy. In fact, he looked rather cross. 

John was slumped nearby on the couch, his legs spread out in a large V shape with his booted feet pointing upwards. His arms were folded and the scowl on his face didn't seem to welcome company. I decided to focus on George; if I said something to upset him, I'd have at least ten seconds to make a getaway before he could catch me (and potentially kill me).

"Why so glum, George?" I asked delicately.

"Gina likes me," George replied dolefully.

I was confused. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes!" George cried. "Well, she prefers my baby rather than me, but I still don't like her."

"I think you're going to have to elaborate a bit further," I said.

George sighed heavily, but he pulled Serenity off of his stomach, sat up properly and placed her in his lap. He began to tell us about the things Gina had said to him during their first visit - mostly focusing on the insults she'd made about his height - and how he didn't like her attitude.

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