08 :: busy

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destiel: you keep replying late

destiel: if you're too busy you can just tell me

destiel: i won't be mad

destiel: i mean, i'm just procrastinating all the time

destiel: like i've got a math test tomorrow but i don't wanna study

parkmh: lol you should study

destiel: 'should' being just a suggestion so no

destiel: i shouldn't be surprised tho that you're suggesting that

destiel: people see school differently

destiel: shxt you're busy bc of school, right?

destiel: sorry for disrupting your study time :(

parkmh: ha no. im practicing

destiel: for what? do you sing? dance?

destiel: you're probably a trainee at some company lol jk

parkmh: i am

destiel: no shxt you are?

parkmh: yes

a/n: it's still kinda boring so far but hopefully i can get some inspiration for the next chapters

i usually base chapters on my regular fangirling moments but since i'm in college now fangirl moments have been reduced :(

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