Chapter 16

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Lucas seems to have calmed down now, and I finally feel like I'm able to leave him. After his Dad collapsed in front of us I was genuinely worried that Lucas was going to have a break down or something. Luckily all it took was a cigarette to calm him.  Our silence is comfortable but I do find my mind wondering to my over reaction.

When I'd realised Lucas got abused, I literally felt so angry. His Dad has no idea how lucky he is to be living with his son. I'd do anything to get my parents back. Seeing parents taking their children for granted pisses me off. Time with family should be treasured. Family is the most important thing in this world.

I stand from his bed and step around his snoring Dad I disgust. We both head down stairs quietly and I leave through the backdoor since my room is likely to be locked still so going back into my on room would be pointless.

"I'm going to see what state my house is in." I say a little regretfully. "Remember, my window will always be unlocked." I promise seriously.

"Is your idiot boyfriend not pleasing you enough? Is that why you want me to come over?" He asks, a smirk obvious on his face. I roll my eyes and turn away from him, annoyed at his change in mood. One minute he's vulnerable as hell, the next he asks like a bloody sex pest.

"I'm trying to help." I confess, opening the gate that splits our two gardens apart. This garden takes me back to when I helped Mrs Phelps with her gardening at the weekends. She used to keep the garden so beautiful with all sorts of different coloured flowers. Now, you can already see the garden is falling into disrepair.

"Are you listening?" Lucas waves a hand in front of my face and I whip round to face him. "You kind of zoned out on me."

"Get used to it." I mutter, because I'm genuinely fed up with how he turned my offer or help kinky. His situation is serious but he's acting like it's nothing.

"Sorry." He breaks our eye contact and I frown, hands on hips and waiting for an explanation. "Comments like that just seem to come naturally to me. I'm not used to people knowing about my...situation."

"It makes you sound like a jerk." I admit. "Just lay off them when someones trying to be a friend."

Lucas brings his eyes up to meet mine and I see his face light up.

"We're friends?" The corner of his lips tilted into a cute smile.

"Well I'm trying to be." I shrug and run a hand through my hair, desperately in need of a shower. "You're just being an immature jerk."

"At least I'm not as idiotic as your own boyfriend." He points out and I have to say it's hard not to disagree.

"Mike just..." I try to support my guy, but don't get very far.

"From what I've seen," Lucas lifts his fingers up and starts counting the things he's noticed between Mike and I. "He's groped you in front of a load of people, completely disrespecting how you felt. He didn't stand up for you when you didn't want a party, which you knew would get out of control. Then at this party, he got pissed and locked you in your bedroom."

My mouth opens, and then close it again seeing as everything he said was true.

"It's none of your business." I protest, because this guy was speaking so much truth and it scares me. Is Mike really a bad boyfriend?

"Yes, he is." Lucas nods and my eyes widen; I said that out loud? "If I had a girl like you, princess, I'd treat her like she was the only thing that mattered in this world."

Dang, he's sure a smooth talker.

"I love him." I insist, holding onto the only bit of truth I have left.

"Keep telling yourself that." He smirks again and I feel frustration build up inside of me. This boy is trying to manipulate my mind so I think I'm not in love with my guy.

"You know what? I'll keep my window shut from now on." I slam the gate shut in his face and walk to my backdoor. It's not true. Of course I'm going to keep it open.

"Come on, I'm being honest and you know it!" I hear Lucas call from behind the gate but I ignore him. Hell, he's annoying as fuck.


"Babe, I really don't want to fight with you." Mike steps closer to me and I sigh. The past hour had consisted of the two of us screaming at each other for god knows why. I'd told him I hadn't wanted to make out so obviously at the party, he'd claimed that I'd been frigid lately. I'd shouted at him for locking me in my room and he'd blamed it on the drink.

 All in all, it was pretty tiring and I really couldn't be bothered with it anymore.

"Neither." I admit and his lips broke into a smile.

"How about we put those parties behind us?" He suggests putting his arms around my waist, pulling me close and I reply with shrug of the shoulders, just as his lips meet mine and he lowers us onto his bed.

That's when my chest suddenly fills with panic; the little spark we used to share when we gone.


Uh oh have her feelings for Mike gone? What will Eve do about this? What do you think about Lucas's change of behaviour?
Double Update today because I'm feeling generous! Who's going back to college/school soon? I've got less than a week now until my last year of A levels begin.
Thanks for reading and I hope you had a good summer :)

Please vote/comment! Also if you like my reading please check out my book TIME HEALS which I've entered in this years wattys!

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