Chapter 39

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" AJ asks yet again as we walk towards the prison where Malcolm Jackson is being held.

"Yes." I state in determination. If he can tell me where Lucas is it will be worth facing him.
"You are the strongest girl I know." He halts and wraps his arms around me tightly.
"Thanks." I swallow my emotions, not allowing myself to show weakness.
"You ready Eve?" Detective Russell prompts from in front of us and the hugs breaks.

Alfie's not coming into the prison. It's just me and the detective.
Facing Malcolm I'll have to do without the support of my friends.
"I'll wait here." Alfie James promises as the detective and I stride into the prison gates.

"Your friend is right, you're a very strong young lady." Detective Russell compliments me once we're through security and are sat waiting to speak to Malcolm. My hearts racing quicker every second so I'm glad the detective is speaking to keep my mind off what I'm doing. "I hope he can tell you where Lucas is gone, I have high hopes for that kid."
"What do you mean?" I wonder, picking at the rip in my old jeans.
"I've offered to take him on as my new partner, train him to be a detective like me." He informs me and I raise my eyes in surprise. "I can see something in that kid. He's got potential. Bags of it."

I hum in agreement but the detective had only confused me more. Surely this opportunity gives Lucas a big reason to stay rather than run away like he has?

"Eve Harper?" A security guard calls my name and I gulp. This is it. I have to face the guy who paralysed my little brother for life.

"You can face him." The detective smiles at me and I nod, standing up and walking to the guard.
He leads me into another room filled with tables with chairs either side. The visitors room.
Many inmates are sat, talking to their visitors.
The guard points me to the person I'm visiting. Malcolm is sat waiting, eyes boring into me. I take a deep breath and then stride over to the table, sitting down opposite the man I hate above all others.
There's silence between us. Malcolm's tapping his finger on the table and I'm staring at him, trying to keep my anger in check.
"You're the last person I expected to see." Malcolm speaks first, his voice hoarse. As I continue to stare I realise how crap he looks.
"Lucas is missing." I say, daring him to break our eye contact. "Do you know where he might have gone?"
Malcolm frowns deeply, leaning back in his chair.
"He's probably gone to my Mums." Malcolm gives me the first possibility I've had since Lucas disappeared. "Do you have a pen and paper?"
I nod, fetching the items from my bag and sliding them across the table.
Malcolm scribbles down an address and I feel like finally I'll be able to start looking for Lucas. Even if he's not there he must have visited his Gran. Maybe she'll know where he'd got too. I stuff the address in my bag to keep it safe and thank the man in front of me.
"Eve, I'm so sorry about Benji." Malcolm says with such sincerity I feel my throat constrict. "I never meant for that to happen. I never meant for anything to happen."
"You're a bad man, nothing you say now can change that." I stand up to leave but then he says something that almost makes me break down there and then.
"I know I've lead a shit life. I treated my son so poorly. That's why I'm changing my plea to guilty Eve." Malcolm admits. "I'm pleading guilty to attempted murder. I deserve to be sent down for much much more and your family doesn't deserve to deal with a massive court case. I hope in some way this makes up for all I've done. Please look after my son, Eve. He's a special kid. A much better person than me. Find him and...tell him I love him."
I'm silent for what feels like eternity, trying to figure out what the catch is. But there is none.
"Okay." I agree and offer him a thankful smile.
And then I leave, walking out with my head held high knowing I wouldn't have to testify in court. Our little family can begin to move on while Malcolm Jackson rots in prison.
Not only that but I'm one step closer to finding Lucas.
Just thinking about seeing him again gets my heart racing.

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