Chapter 46

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The cold water of the secluded lake caressed my ankles as I dip my feet in, smiling contently at the refreshing feeling. This trip so far has been relaxing, something that I'd missed feeling in the hectic mess that is usually my life.

It feels brilliant just to stop, free my mind of worries and enjoy the moment. Everything feels so calm and peaceful...

My trail of thought gets interrupted when I hear a shout.

"CANNONBALL!!" A guy shrieks, running up to the edge of the lake and jumping in, making the biggest splash he could.

Ok, maybe peaceful is the wrong word to describe spending time with my friends.

Harvey surfaces from the water and beckons us bystanders to join him.

Everyone but Charlotte and I follows Harvey's lead, jumping into the deep lake.
I'm about to slip in myself when Char sits down next to me and makes conversation.

"It's funny really how things worked out between you and Lucas."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean you were so adamant you didn't fancy him. I could tell you liked him even before you knew yourself. Kind of lucky that I never acted on our connection." She says casually and I frown, giving her a questioning look. "Lucas took me out on a date when we first met. I thought you'd know that."

My eyes widen and I feel a sudden burning jealously. Charlotte and Lucas dated? How come I never knew this?

"It obviously wasn't going to work out." Char continues and I'm trying to calm my anger that's growing at every word she says. "He just didn't do it for me. Good kisser though isn't he?"

I can't hear anymore.

The thought of Lucas being with someone else, my best friend at that, had venom pulsing round my bloodstream.

Without a word to Char I stand up and walk off, my brain going crazy. She calls my name but I don't look back, to wrapped up in my overthinking mind.

I know it's irrational to be so worked up over this new information; they must have dated before Lucas and I became an item.

It isn't that I'm mad about it happening, I know both of us have dated other people. What's scaring me is the deep jealously shaking me to the core.
Jealously so strong I can't get the image of Char and my boyfriend kissing out of my mind.

Automatically my legs take me back to the lake house.

I need to talk to my brother.

I dial his number and put the phone to my ear, pacing around the kitchen of the lake house.

"Hey sis, hows the holiday going?" Max answers to my relief.

"It's good." I say in a tight voice.

There's a pause.

"Something's up." He states, tone more serious than before.

"It's nothing serious." I assure him.

"Care to share?"

"Char just told me that she dated and kissed Lucas." I admit to Max, hating the words that left my lips. "I'm not mad at them I don't think but I'm surprised at how I reacted. Thinking about Lucas with someone else..."

"They dated? Wow, wouldn't have called that." Max seems genuinely surprised. "It's only natural for you to feel jealous at the thought of your guy with someone else. That's what happens when you love someone."

"I guess. It just made me realize how much I need him...what if he leaves me Max? We're so young. I can't loose him." I bit my lip, feeling teary.

"This is Lucas we're talking about. He left his friends once and he knows how much of a mistake that was." Max reminds me softly. "He's head over heels for you. Anyone can see that."

"I know."

"You're overthinking things sis." Max observes like the wise big brother he is. "I think you've just had a shock because you've realised just how deeply you love Lucas. There's a difference from being attracted to a person and being completely and utterly in love with them. It's normal to be afraid of these feelings. I know firsthand how much love can hurt when it's ruined."

"He has the power to break my heart." I almost whisper.

"And you have the power to break his." Max reminds me. "You just have to trust each other with that power."

At that moment I hear Lucas calling me. Char must have told him why I'd walked off.

"I've got to go, thanks Max."

"Love you lots, don't let fear hold you back ok?"

"Love you too, I won't."

The phone call ends just as Lucas rushes into the kitchen, looking unsure. He's shirtless and dripping with water, panting slightly signaling that he'd ran here.

"Eve." He meets my eyes, trying to work out if I'm about to flip out on him. "Charlotte and I, it was before I even knew you properly! You were dating fucktard. None of it meant was one date and one kiss. Yes I was initially attracted to her but it's nothing compared to you. No one could ever come close to you."

His words make my stomach flip and I smile.

"I'm not mad Luc, just a bit surprised. The thought of you with another girl made me realised how much I need you. It freaked me out a bit." I shrug, glad I'm being honest with him. Relief covers his face and he steps towards me, fastening an arm around my waist. He leans his forehead against mine, never leaving my eyes.

"Eve Harper, you have no idea what you do to me." He breathes, making my knees weak and I feel stupid for doubting him.  "I'm not just in love with you, I'm addicted to you."

I let his words sink in, reassuring my moment of insecurity.

The rest of the short holiday goes by more or less uneventfully.  Correction - as uneventfully as possible considering my friendship group.

One evening, after numerous drinking games, Harvey went missing and we were searching for what felt like hours. We eventually found him passed out in a tree with no idea how he got himself up there.

All in all it was pretty amusing and I enjoyed every second. Lucas had been right when he'd said a break would do the group good.

Plus for me it felt great to not have to worry about Benji. I allowed myself to be a carefree teenager.

And it felt great.

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