The Jack.

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I opened the door without knocking, it is my room now too, right? The room was a deep navy blue color. Not quite my favorite being black, but it fit for Jack. LJ was up on the top bunk playing with his tufts on his shoulders, his long nose poking himself as he looked at it. He didn't even look up, I'm pretty sure I see headphones in, but his hair is almost as long and as dark as mine.

I reached back to my bag and grabbed a knife that was poking through and threw it right at Jack, purposely missing by a few inches to give him a good scare. He pulled out his headphones and looked up at me with a glare. I gave him a little snotty smile.

"Very funny, Jeff." He said annoyed looking down at me with his crazy, scary eyes. This honestly made me smirk a little.

"It was, absolutely." I replied and looked around. It was slightly messier than my own room, having quite a few candy wrappers on the floor. "Well, Jackie-Poo, Did you hear the news?" I asked him keeping my gaze low.

I heard him grunt, struggling to pull the knife out of the wall. "News? I probably did, but can you catch me up?" He asked in between pulling at the knife.

I jumped up and hoisted myself to his bed level and grabbed the knife with one hand. "Slendy's making me move in." I said just before I pulled the knife out of the wall, then jumped back down to the ground and dropped the bloodstained knife to the ground as well.

He looked from the wall and looked down at me. "Are you serious?"

I nodded looking at my knives. "Slendy just told me."

I heard him let out an exaggerated sigh. "Why didn't he make you move in with BEN?"

I shrugged not wanting to talk about BEN for some reason, so I picked up my bag and threw it onto the lower bunk, obviously cutting up the sheet and I trudged out of the room and quickly went down the stairs and out the front door of the mansion.

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