Jack's Upset?

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Jack had moved since I saw him on the couch downstairs. Does he know about Magyk? The meeting wasn't very long so, I'd take that as a no. 

"Jack, you okay?" I asked and I heard him sigh as he flipped over onto his stomach. 

"I'm fine." He mumbled looking down at me.

"You don't seem fine," I mentioned and noted to myself that he wasn't downstairs. 

"I'm fine, Jeff." He said raising his voice. So I stood there for a while and waited for him to say something, anything. 

Nothing happened for a solid like 5 minutes and I looked back up at him. He looked teary. 

"Jack, did you hear about the new pasta who took my room?" I asked. 

He kinda looked away and didn't say anything. We haven't had a female come in since Clockwork. So I get why he is.. confused, but he obviously didn't want to talk to me, so I just sat down on the bottom bunk. I stared at my hands and thought for a bit. Magyk seems.. nice, but I wouldn't talk to her.. yet. I can't trust myself with her. I can't trust her yet either... 

It seemed like hours since I walked in on Jack, until I finally realized I was staring at him. 

"If you don't want me to live with you, you can totally kick me out and I'd be fine with that. I'll go see if BEN's room is empty." 

Jack took a while until he drew in a shaky breath. "Jeff," He took a moment to gather his words. "It's not that I don't want you here, and I'm not saying I do want you to stay, this is all just different for all of us. sadly we're all going to have to get used to it." His voice sounded like it had a sudden boost of confidence. Power, maybe. I wasn't ever expecting that kind of a tone out of him, but gosh it was cute. 

Fuck did I just say that?  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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