villain 1.1

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"Oh, God. Why are you guys so obsessed with each other?! It drives me to the point where I want to scream 'Shut up and kiss!' And that's something I'm very much willing to do." Vivian groaned aloud.

     I rolled my eyes at her while turning back to stare at the vacant chairs before us. As always, the shop was empty. There were no costumers to serve, and it was nice but boring at the same time. I glanced back at Vivian when I felt her kick my left foot. She narrowed her eyes at me and mouthed the word "obsessed".

"I'm not obsessed, V." I yawned. It was late but we couldn't close the shop until 12:00 AM, apparently our boss believed that if we waited until 11:00 PM, caffeine hungry College students would pop up one by one. It was kind of true, in a way.

"Oh, yeah?" She countered with her brow raised. "I bet he's the only one you ever think about all day. And I also bet that you are the only one he ever thinks about all day, too."

     I sighed. There's no point in convincing her that I'm not obsessed because I knew that she would try to bend my words into utter rubbish. She believes on whatever she wants whenever she wants. Typical, Vivian.

"Okay, fine." I mumbled. "Whatever floats your boat, Gehenna."

     Vivian growled under her breath before punching me on the shoulder. "Don't ever call me by my villain name when I'm not wearing my mask, Giovanni!"

     I was about to laugh at her outburst when I realized that she called me by my first name. I frowned at her, knowing fully well that she did it just to piss me off. "I thought we agreed that you'd call me by my nickname, V? You know I hate my name."

"Aw, come on, dude. You're name sounds so adorable!" She cooed. I only grumbled. "At least it's way better than the last nickname I gave you. You know, 'Giova'? Yeah, that was a terrible nickname."

     With that, the bell rang signalling us that a customer had arrived. The two of us jumped off of the counter to smile and greet the guy. I noticed immediately that there was a familiar air surrounding him, so I turned to look at Vivian who had this glint in her eyes. She cleared her throat then said: "Hey, broseph! What brings you here?" I furrowed my brows at her before looking up at the stranger before me.

Who the heck is this guy?

I didn't check if there's anything wrong so please forgive me if you find mispellings or any grammatical errors.
It's also super short cause I'm experimenting if people like it or not.
- Ch35h1r3_23 ',:)

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