movie night vmin

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Today is Wednesday which mean movie night, yay! Taehyung and his boyfriend jimin decided to make Wednesday movie night for some odd reason but they love it.

Taehyung was setting everything up for today and took a few movies out that they could watch. The choices were a company man, 20 again, love challenge and some other one.

"Jiminie~ come out movie night~" taehyung sweetly called out waiting for his love one. He grabbed a a soft blanket and decide to grab some chips and soft drinks.

Jimin came down the stairs and quickly sat in the couch and waited for TaeTae. He looked at the move chooses, the all look good but he had chosen 20 again but he also wanted to let Taehyung chose.

Taehyung came back and placed all the junk food on the cafe table

" jiminie which one do you want to watch?" He asked and cuddled next to jimjim.

"Anything you wanna watch" jimin claimed and kissed Taehyung forehead softly. Taehyung looked up and pressed his lips against jimin

The kiss quickly became heated at Taehyung open his lips a little to let jimin tongue wonder in him. He gripped his hair softly and moaned into his mouth.

Jimin pulled back and started planting kisses in the older ones neck, causing Taehyung to more more.

Lets just say movie night was forgotten

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