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What does this even mean?

We were two strangers twenty minutes ago and suddenly we're two star-crossed lovers, at the time at least.. We both had another special somebody who at the moment, apparently, didn't really feel like a special somebody anymore.

Screw Dylan, he's just a fuckboy anyways.

We're in the backyard of one of my bestest friends, Alaska, ripping each other lips off, literally. I've never even talked to him really. I think he's in one of my classes.. Yeah.. he's in my math class. I never really noticed him though. Firstly, there's like 40 kids in that class and secondly, I'm in the very front and he's in the very deep back. I only remember this one day when he had to sit in the front for a test because he had been too loud and we kept staring at each other.

Yeah.. I remember that day, I remember him. He was that one hot guy that I just couldn't keep my eyes off. It's funny, how we're making out right now. I don't even know how it happened. I think we kinda just locked eyes, he said hi and some other shit, I got turned on and kissed him. And this is just 5 minutes after.

Usually when this kind of stuff happens, we say hi to each other at school for a little and eventually fade away from each other. Unless it's someone you've known for years and we act like it's the biggest deal in the world and nothing's just ever the same.

I don't know how this is going to go through. I had a crush on him for a day, once. That's different. Okay Alana, calm down, you don't even know his name.

He pauses and curiosity grows on me. Before I ask why, he asks me, "Want to take this to the bed?"

"Hold on handsome fuckboy," I smile. "I actually wanna know who you are first."

He furrows his eyebrows, shuffles through his light brown hair and questions me, "Wait, you don't remember me? We dated in 7th grade for like two months."

Oh, I guess I'm supposed to know him. How could I forget such a beautiful face though? Well there's another reason to continue on our relationship, isn't there... The best thing: we had history.

"No, I don't, I just made out with you because I thought you were hot."

"We were like the couple of the school.." he continues, trying to make me remember. "The middle school. The kings and queens of middle school," I correct him. "That's exactly why I don't remember, I left all those memories behind.. in middle school."

I think I dated like twenty or so people in middle. Wow, such a slut, I think.

"Well, let's start over then." he suggests and puts his hand out, "Hi, I'm Griffin." I shrug and reply with, "Nice to meet you, I'm Alana."

"I think you're a nice kisser, besides the fact that you're a whore and I'm a fuckboy."

It's true though, but this year I'm trying to minimize the amount of people. I gave him an exception because I just couldn't really resist him.

I give him one of my unresistable smiles that has enslaved populations before. "I think the same to you. But before you ever look at or kiss me again, just know that I'm psychotic and I might ruin your life. "

He smirks, "Okay good to know, but before you too, look at or kiss me again, just know that I'm insanely attractive and I might throw your life out of line."

I grin, "Sounds...great."

He amusingly replies, " Let's just quit the flirting part and get to the good shit." I raise my eyebrows in response of how good of a mind reader he is. I pull him against the wall and we do stuff a little more intense then before.

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