One Moment

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Sometimes all you get is one chance, one moment to fix something. If you fail it can do nothing or it can hurt you somehow. It can keep you awake at night or a past figure appears and tortures you about it. But what can you do? You think " I'll fix it", but you know the truth the word "broken" lays there waiting and waiting. You start making excuses, reasons, full on lies for not fixing it. You comfort yourself saying " It's not my fault", but deep down you know it is. Everything is your fault. Sometimes you get another chance, another moment- do you take it... do you leave it there... it bites, so bite back dummy, but you don't, worries fill your mind " what if it happens again", "what if I fail again", and you're stuck fearful, anxious, terrified. Finally, you do something. Some bite and bark what's on their mind, some just leave it alone and the process starts again. Will here be another chance, another moment? Only time will tell. So take that moment! Seize the day! Crape dime! YOLO! You probably won't get another chance, another moment. All it takes is one chance, one moment. Take it.
I hope this inspires you even though it starts pessimistic.

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