The Soul

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What does the soul look like? It looks like everything and nothing. It's shapeless, yet we constantly try to give it shape: a blob, a mass of scribbles but those have shape. We can't believe in what we can't see, so we try to give the soul shape but it's impossible. The soul is solid but it's gas. The soul is with us through thick and thin and is such too. The soul is contradictory in itself; one shouldn't try to describe the soul. I know I just did, but that was to show it's impossible. What would happen if everyone saw people as souls than faces? Would they be nicer or meaner? Would they be scared or comfortable? Let's just say this you soul is you and you can't and shouldn't be given a shape or face. Those that try don't truly believe in life. Life is forever. When we die it's not truly death, it's the moving to a new physical form. So when someone dies we get sad, but we only get sad since we'll never see that person's physical form ever again. This is wrong. We should be happy, not in the weird way but in the thoughtful way; that person is just moving on to a different physical form and spreading and becoming more and more beautiful 'cause true beauty is the soul leaving the body. It's easier to be physical but it's truer to be shapeless. And in the end that's all that we are.

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