The new girl.....

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Hi! I'm (Y/N)! I'm 15 years old and am enrolling for Adventure High. I'm a really LOUD person and acts like a boss if I need to! I'm funny, crazy and attractive. All the boys last year would like fall for me but I hated it. That's why I had to move schools. My mum got really angry and annoyed when she found out so she moved me. I hope my new college is good but I hope that another incident doesn't happen again.......

~Your POV~

Ok (Y/N), you can do this. It's just like the first day of school. Just only starting at a NEW school in the 2nd term. Ok, ok. Yeah I'm feeling real nervous now. I'm scared if all the boys will come chasing after me again. Oh please God no.

We just visited the principals office and are now walking to my new class. I don't know the teacher or any students (well obviously) or anywhere around the school. It feels weird :/.

The principal stopped us at a door inside a building. I'm guessing this is my new classroom. 'Well (Y/N), this is your new classroom!' He beamed. Yep. Just as I thought. Btw this guy is creeping me out. Before while we were walking here he kept looking at me. Creep.

My mum is relieved cuz we've been walking for 8 minutes. The school is REALLY big. The principal knocks on the door loudly then opens the door. 'Sorry for interrupting everyone, but we have a new student!' He explains gesturing towards me. I walk in with my head down and feel embarrassed. Oh boy I hate this already.

I look up and see all the guys and girls at their tables. Some girls are staring at me like they are jealous or something and the boys look like they've never seen a girl before. 'Um hi.' I say blushing. Then the teacher comes up to me. She is tall, has long brown hair (waist length), wears a navy blue tight skirt, a work-like shirt and heels. She looks really young too.

'Hello, what is your name?' She asks gently. 'I'm (Y/N).' I say a bit quietly, though people heard. She smiled. 'Well nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm Miss Walkerden. Welcome to 91B!' She beams. 'Everyone! Meet (Y/N)!' 'Hey (Y/N).' The kids said. Some boys were staring at me still and one smirked at me. He had greenish-grey skin, jet black hair and fangs? I just ignored him while Miss Walkerden showed me to my spot which was next to a blonde girl with a white rabbit hat and a boy with a white bear hat. I sat down and unpacked my bag.

'Hey!' The girl said. I looked up. 'Oh hey.' I said back. 'I'm Fionna! And that's Finn over there. Nice to meet you!' She said gesturing to the boy next to me. He blushed and looked away. 'Hmm nice to meet you too!' I smiled. 'I hope we can become great friends!' Fionna exclaimed. 'Me too.' I said smiling still.

Well today hasn't turned out so bad.....


Hey my yummy cookies! Hope you liked this chapter! I know that there are lots of books on adventure high but I thought I might just make one myself. I haven't read any yet but I hope this one is good! Please comment, like and follow or whateves. Thx guys! B-bye! *throws cookies at you*

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