Household Chores

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"Took you long enough to answer the door!", Ronaldo chirped as he was greeted by a surly face at the door.

"Yeah yeah," Lars muttered, peeling what looked like a candy wrapper off of his shirt, "I tripped over shit in my room so it took me a sec to get downstairs. So, uh, what are we doing again?"

"I told you last night! All of 'Axeart On-Air' season one is on SushiRoll! We're going to watch it together!"

"Is this the one with the actually good animation, or the one with the big anime titties?", Lars asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Both are present in this series. If season two was available, you'd see how much they improve on both," Ronaldo smiled, pushing his glasses up onto his nose.

"Aight," Lars rolled his shoulders and stood up straight again, "Lemme grab my laptop, and we'll watch it in my room," and held the door open so the other could step inside, taking off his sandals, and putting on the slippers Lars handed him, since his family had some pretty strict rules about shoes and bare feet in the house.

Heading up the stairs, Lars casually strolled into his room without batting an eye, Ronaldo following a couple feet behind, talking about something that Lars was starting to zone out of, but was snapped back to attention when his friend gave a shocked yelp, "Heavens to Murgatroyd! What the hell happened to your room?"

Lars' room looked like it had been host to a sinkhole's deposit, junk littering the floor; garbage, clothes, pets (Maybe?), half eaten food, game cartridges, blankets, tissues (Ronaldo was not going to ask why), sketchbooks, pencils, CDs, and various crap covering every inch of carpet. Even his desk was cluttered with electronics, books, art utensils, more half eaten snacks, garbage, and his pet snake's tank.

Lars looked at his dwelling for a whopping three seconds, and shrugged, "Eh?"

"Lars, this place is filthy!", Ronaldo exclaimed, almost horrified.

"It's not that bad," Lars rolled his eyes, "Everything's where I can see it."

"Nobody wants to see your jizz tissues!"

"I had a cold last week, Ron! That's gross!", Lars grimaced.

"Not as gross as your floor! I'm not watching anime in this landfill," Ronaldo muttered, still looking at everything.

"Well fine then! We can watch it in my living room," Lars huffed, about to walk out the door when Ronaldo blocked him with his arm.

"No. We're not watching anything now," he declared, "Not with a mess like this inhabiting your abode!"

"Ronnie, c'mon, I don't wanna deal with it! Besides, this place screams me!"

"Is it because it smells like ass?"

"You're an ass!"

Ronaldo then grinned, "I'm not leaving until your room is clean."

"Since when have you cared about clean? Your room's as bad as mine," Lars countered.

"My room doesn't have half eaten food and garbage everywhere."

"Those freaky body pillows you have scream different~" Lars singsonged, fake coughing.

"Those are collectibles!", Ronaldo looked genuinely offended for a moment, then pointed to Lars' bed, "Strip the sheets, and gather all your clothes to wash, and I'm going to go grab cleaning supplies."

"Uh, what for?"

"I'm not touching all that trash!"

"Can't we deal with this later, and just watch the anime already?", Lars whined.

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