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"Gosh," Peedee yawned, "Y'know, I didn't realize how tired I was until I started driving."

"What did you expect?", Ronaldo glanced up from his phone, "We were up late every day at the lake house, and we started driving back at eight in the morning?"

"Remind me never to take a vacation ever again," his little brother joked, and gave another yawn, scratching at the stubble on his chin as he kept driving, then groaned, "I can't believe we have to get right back to journalism when we get back into town. I can barely stay awake."

"Do you want me to take over driving?", Ronaldo looked up, seeing Peedee was blinking his eyes rapidly.

"Mm, nah, I think I can make it," Peedee shook his head, "Turn on the radio though. Loud music or something."

"Alright," Ronaldo cranked on the music, "Let me know if you do want to switch though, the last thing we want is an acci-"

Ronaldo's comment was cut off by a loud screech by a car up ahead that was swerving out of control, and the two were left to watch in shock as the vehicle crashed through the guardrail and tumbled into a ditch, flipping once.

Peedee had slammed on the brakes, pulling onto the side of the road a distance away from the crash, and the two craned their heads out the car window to look at the damage.

"Oh my God!", Ronaldo gasped, seeing the absolutely wrecked car and littered debris nearby.

"That car just flipped onto its side!", Peedee pointed, and hopped out of the car to get a closer look. By then, more cars had stopped, as well as an empty Greyhound bus, the driver having hurried over before Peedee had even gotten out of the car.

The bus driver, a middle aged woman, was looking into the drivers' window of the crashed car, and called up to the people who were already walking over to observe the accident, "Hey! Help me over here, he's still alive! Grab me a blanket or something! Someone call an ambulance!"

Peedee perked up, looking to Ronaldo, "We have a blanket in the car!"

Ronaldo was looking over the crash, and the gears were turning in his head, and he grinned, "We also have cameras! We have a story for when we get back into town! We can report on this!"

"Er...right!", Peedee mumbled awkwardly, a little taken aback by how his brother seemed more invested in their job than in helping with the crash. Regardless, he rooted through the backseat of their car, took the second camera, and the blanket, then hurried it over to the bus driver, who was using a crowbar from her vehicle to try and pry the door open.

Just as Peedee had handed the blanket to the woman, Ronaldo was tugging on his younger brother's shirt, "Get some pictures of the front, while I take notes and more pictures of the back, OK? We've gotta make this a good report if we want front page for once!"

More and more people were parking on the road to look at the accident, blocking up traffic. The bus driver shouted at someone to help her open the door, taking care of the broken glass and metal, and being more than cautious of the leaking gas and potential sparks.

Another driver shoved past Ronaldo (who snapped at him for nearly making him drop his notepad and camera), and helped the bus driver pry the door open, and it tore off its hinges entirely. They shoved it out of the way as they turned their attention to the pinned driver.

"What's going on?", one spectator asked.

"There was an accident!"

"Ambulance is on the way!", one announced.

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