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Lars and Ronaldo couldn't exactly remember which of them had first suggested moving into a place of their own, but whoever was responsible should have felt very strong regret after the first three weeks.

Their apartment just so happened to be in a three story complex, on the second floor, meaning they would be sandwiched between two whole other floors of tenants who had lives of their own inside their abodes. And thus the couple would have to settle with handling some mild disturbances from above and below. But their experience as of late had been far beyond mild disturbances. It had been hell.

The neighbors above, Sherman and Lois, happened to be a young couple in their twenties. Not that there was anything wrong with that, Lars and Ronaldo were in the same demographic, but this couple just so happened to be two of the loudest people they would ever have the displeasure of meeting. They were loud when they talked in their kitchen, loud when they talked on their phone, loud in their living room. Their conversations were often so loud, Lars and Ronaldo could pick up on what they were saying; Sherman's boss is a complete ass, Lois' job doesn't pay well enough, oh god Lois' mother is such a witch. It was sometimes entertaining for Lars and Ronaldo to listen in on them, especially if the cable was out.

The issue came with the fact their neighbor's loudness crossed over into everything else they did, especially at night, in their bedroom. It was one thing to hear conversation, but to hear every single goddamn noise your neighbors did while having sex was an entirely different experience. It's like those two had no concept of quiet hours, and even past two in the morning almost every night, they kept Lars and Ronaldo awake with their activities. It even ruined the nights where Lars and Ronaldo would have wanted intimate time of their own, the sounds of other people's wild and loud sex being a real mood killer, not to mention a horribly creaky bed that responded to every single movement the loud couple made.

The neighbor below, Pete, was a college student who seemed determined to be the ultimate frat boy. The noise that came from his floor was worse than the neighbors above, the apartment getting packed beyond maximum capacity with drunk, wild college students who would bring in more sound systems than an electronic's store, and who cheered and whooped at every little thing happening at that party. If Lars and Ronaldo weren't so fed up with all the noise in the wee hours of the morning, they might have had the energy to attend one of those parties and steal some beers. But being stuck in a noise plagued sandwich of disturbance and insanity, they didn't even want to step out in the hallway.

Both Lars and Ronaldo had talked to their neighbors about quieting it down a little, but they hardly paid any heed to their requests.

It wasn't like they hadn't complained to the higher ups before or anything, but the superintendent and landlord both seemed like they weren't going to do anything about it anytime soon. And by the time they did, it was going to be more than likely that Lars and Ronaldo would commit murder on the floors they were stuck between.

One late afternoon, on the rare occasion that it was fairly quiet, the two had been cuddled together on their couch enjoying the peace. Lars had grinned slyly, flopping his head on his boyfriend's lap, looking up, "Think we've got enough time to kick it up a notch?"

"Before we have to hear 'Sexfest Until 2AM'?", Ronaldo glanced down at him.

"What else?", he snickered, and sat up in his lap, pulling him into a kiss, and playing with his hair. They'd have to be fast with whatever they did before the neighbors ruined it. They actually got pretty far, with Lars having pulled his shirt off, and Ronaldo had a few nice hickeys on his neck, but before they could get to full on making out, the loud moans they had become accustomed to bellowed from above.

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