First Time

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"I'm just...really glad you've got the place to yourself this weekend," Lars finally spoke after several minutes of having said nothing, having been staring at the ceiling above him in near disbelief while catching his breath. He'd have looked anywhere else, but the ceiling seemed to be the only place in this damn room without some hokey anime merchandise decorating it.

"Yeah, same," Ronaldo mumbled, reaching for his glasses, patting around his nightstand. Not finding them after a second, he decided to not worry about it, and settled back in the bed to keep comfortable, bare skin brushing against the other.

After a considerable amount of weeks dating, the two had slowly started to explore their relationship on a physical level. It had started with gentle kissing and touching, and after a few weeks it escalated to making out, then to groping, and finally, today, they silently decided to take things all the way, skipping past the foreplay boundary. They'd retreated to Ronaldo's room, knowing his family was out of the house until the following week.

Things had been very awkward at the beginning, with a lot of cursing, and fumbling, and trying to get clothes off, and figure out who would be doing what, and what would be comfortable for them both.

Lars was honestly surprised, the whole time, from foreplay to actual sex, Ronaldo had been significantly quiet. He expected someone who was loud and excitable with everything he did would be even more so in bed, but he was surprisingly suave, only talking to ask Lars if he should move faster, or slower, or give an occasional groan (which Lars found really attractive somehow).

On the other hand, Ronaldo was pleased to learn his partner was noisy. He wasn't that loud, per se, but he made the most delightful sounds, small whimpers and mewls of pleasure that made his chest tingle, moans of his name, and hushed, winded begging for Ronaldo to go faster. That was another thing, Ronaldo was surprised and giddy that Lars had been quick to let him top, having always expected Lars would insist on taking the lead. He'd ended up being submissive, but seemed to love it all the same.

One of Lars' hands was gently moving over Ronaldo's chest, and he stopped his fingers over bright red marks, and glanced up, asking with a voice incredibly soft, "Did I bite too hard?"

Ronaldo looked at him, then at the marks left on himself, then shook his head, "No no, not at all. I liked it."

"Oh, good," Lars mumbled, and pulled his hand off his partner's chest, and shifted slightly under the sheets. He liked how warm their bodies were together, but he felt strange laying in the bed without any clothes aside from socks (he had a thing about bare feet), and wondered if he should change back into his shorts or not.

Sliding a hand into his partner's bright red hair, Ronaldo pet it absentmindedly as he stared at the ceiling, "...when did you exactly decide to shave your head?", he asked out of curiosity.

Lars glanced at him again, and furrowed his brow in thought, "I think around the end of freshman year? I dunno. I was getting tired of my long hair."

"I see," he mumbled, running his fingers along the shaved part of Lars' head, feeling the soft downy fuzz of the hair slowly growing back since his last haircut. To experiment, he gave it a little kiss, smiling to himself as he felt the stubble on his lips. He gave another kiss and smiled again.

"Your hair smells great, what kind of shampoo do you use?"

"I make my own," Lars mumbled, reaching a hand to play with Ronaldo's curls.

"Make it, eh? How creative," he smirked softly, blinking dreamily as the other played with his hair.

"Mhm," he answered, "My ma showed me how to make some using honey and stuff, makes my hair less oily and everything."

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