Summer island heat (Ace X reader)

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Hot...that's all that ran through (y/n)'s mind, why did you have to scout this damned summer island! She hated the heat all the whitebeards knew that! To make matters worse...she was partnered up with Ace the walking flamethrower/heater. Any other time she would've been happy about it seeing as he was her best friend and crush..but every time she looked at him it made her cheeks burn, ever since Ace joined the whitebeard's he had slowly decided shirts were too much for him and ditched the clothing all together. "Hey you alright (y/n)? You look a little out of it" Ace asked as he looked at her, it was then (y/n) noticed she had stopped walking and was staring at him. This made her face erupt in red and look away muttering "I'm fine...just a little hot.." She sighed and look at what she was wearing, pants and a t-shirt, not the best to scout a summer island deciding to do something about it she took out a knife and start ripping her pants into shorts then took her shirt off since she was wearing a bikini top underneath. When she was finished she looked up at Ace, but he was looking at her with wide eyes, his mouth gaping like a fish gasping for air. This made (y/n) tilt her head and hop over to him. "Ace? Are you ok?" Turning the question he asked before on him it took him a while to register what she had said as his eyes were looking over her form, his face turning red as he tore his eyes away and stuttered "I-I...n-no! It''s just..." He glanced at her and covered his mouth with a hand, his hat covering his eyes as he muttered. "..I think the heats gettin to me..." looking confused for a minute she thought aloud "but...your made of fire you can't.." She trailed off as her eyes widened and a blush rose to her cheeks again finally getting it. "O-oh.." Looking away she begin walking again "l-let's finish up and head back!" She said but was pulled back before she could get to far. Ace had pulled her against his chest (y/n)'s back pressed against it, making her blush worsen as he wrapped his arms around her waist, his forehead resting against her shoulder "(y/n)...I like you.." If (y/n) thought her face couldn't get any redder she was proven wrong, the shade her face was now would put shanks hair to shame! (Y/n) didn't know what else to say but "I..I like you too..." At that his head shot up as he looked at her, a goofy grin on his face as he picked her up and spun her around "YES!" He yelled out and she was pretty sure the whitebeards and pops could hear him as he finally put her down, placing a kiss against her lips.
(Sorry if it sucked it's around 1 am when I wrote this..)

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