Bite me! (X Drake x Oc)

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(Warning this might get a little sexual if not fully...this started playing though my mind after I listened to a song called bruises and bite the character I'm making this was made in the spur of the moment. Enjoy and comment? Might make this its own story Drake needs more love :3 )

Running through the forest and why you might ask..? Well...because I was desperate enough to try and kill one of the supernova..who? The one and only X Drake the living dinosaur..don't judge me! I needed the money but the way my legs and lungs are burning disagree with my choice. Looking back my eyes wide in slight fear hearing the breaking of branches and growls coming from behind me, adrenaline flowing though my veins as I maneuvered trough the forest undergrowth, the ground shaking as he drew closer. Why did I try to steal from an old friend?! I curse at myself, yes me and drake used to be friends after he arrived at the marine base, I had dropped out 3 years after he arrived to become a pirate..bad move on my part for forgetting he might remember my scent, damn reptilian senses!!! I focus on running faster, my foot slipping on a wet rock as I run through a stream, twisting my ankle. I wince a bit and fall to my knee before quickly getting up, I could barely feel the pain from the amount of adrenaline in my system. Once I started moving again the crashing suddenly stopped and I got pinned from behind to a tree, panting from the chase. I try to squirm free, not wanting to die without a fight, only to stop when he pressed his body against my back as he bit into my neck making me stop and whimper a bit. He took a moment before letting my slightly bleeding neck go to lick the blood, making me shudder a face feels hot..I'm not blushing am I..?! I think to myself as he whispered into my ear "...fancy seeing you here Usagi-chan..(rabbit in Japanese) how have you been.." he states as if he hasn't chased and bit me...I grunt a bit before making a sarcastic remark "just know getting chased by reptiles is pretty normal now a days right? You?"I glance back at him, with a small smirk. He looks at me with a playful glint in his eye "chasing rabbits.." He presses his lower half against my butt, making me squeak a bit and blush. "Skinning them.." He moved both my hands to one of his over my head as he tugged on my clothes to emphasize, making me squirm a bit and him smirk. "And eating them.." He says as he places his face against my neck, nipping at it, my breathing was ragged by now and my face was on fire. Damn it've barely done anything and I'm a mess! I whimper a bit as I tilt my head to the side. He chucked a bit as he buried his face into my neck, taking in my scent as he nibbled on it. My mind was slowly going blank as he pressed his lower half harder against me, making me squirm against him suggestively. Why oh why did I have to eat that useless devil fruit when I was young!?..((her devil fruit was the Usagi Usagi no mi, that's why she's called Usagi? Might change it later...)) this was no time for my prey senses to be acting up against drake, he might just eat me up! I thought as I try to get out of his grasp again but it was weak. He glanced up at me as I whimper again "D-Drake..please stop..." I manage to get out, squeaking a bit as he bit my neck again before speaking "why Usagi..? Your enjoying this right?" He slid a hand up under my shirt tracing my side and stomach. I bit my lip and held back a soft moan, I won't act like prey! I say to myself as I look back at him, a tear sliding down my cheek. A look of shock crosses his features, his body tensing up and stoping. He looked like he was having an internal battle on weather he should stop or not..he placed his forehead on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me gently, pulling me away from the tree as he turned around and say against the tree with me on his lap. I sat there shaking for a bit, not knowing what he was going to do, we sat in silence for a while before he spoke. "Sorry...Usagi..I got riled up..Chasing you..I didn't want you to disappear on me again.." He says hugging me closer to him as he buried his face against my neck again. I blushed a bit, leaning back against him I open my mouth to speak but he beat me to it "Usagi..join my crew..." My eyes widen.

((Aaaannnd Ima leave this's already like 3 in the morning or something @-@ tell me what you all think?))

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