Chapter 9: All Who Wander Are Not Lost

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Pic in media center is the charming stranger ;) played by the ever dashing William Levy

The chapter song is Stand in the Rain by Superchick. I think this song is great for Merideth!

Merideth P.O.V

My head throbbed, my arms throbbed, my legs throbbed, by abdomen throbbed, my spleen hurt. Everything freaking hurt.

Alexa's remedies worked magic on my wounds. But even that wasn't enough. I wanted to bring Mormo back from Tartarus, just to send her back, again and again. I had it all planned out. She would come back, I would impale her with an arrow from my crossbow. It would go through her stomach, but would be positioned just right, so that it wouldn't hit any major nerves.

She would slowly bleed out, dying a slow and painful death, Just perfect.

"-This makes no sense!" Alexa protested.

My head snapped towards the others. Alexa was raising her voice, gesturing wildly with her hands. My head spun, inducing a throbbing headache. "Will you just shut up!" I snapped.

Alexa rolled her eyes, "Who pissed in your Smarty O's?" she sassed.

James made calming gestured with his hands, "Let's all just try to get along, and-"

Alexa reeled towards him, her silky brown hair whipping around. "Oh! So, you're Mr. Nice Guy now? Sorry, next time I'll bring the bipolar tag."

Ariel crossed her tanned arms, "Calm yourself, Alexa. I don't know why you wanted to come, but we don't need your mood swings right now."

James smirked triumphantly, "Yeah, go sulk in the corner, Birdy."

"0 to 100, real quick." Asher muttered.

James again smirked, his white teeth blinding, in contrast to his golden-tan. "What're you on your period, sis." He spat.

Alexa's bow suddenly appeared in her hand. "You wanna see how good I can aim, wannabe-Justin." She nocked an arrow, her pure-golden bow flashing in the artificial light.

James whipped out his dagger, "Ready when you are."

A feral glint appeared in Alexa's golden eyes, "Bring it on, Justin 1.0."

James smirked, "At least I can sing. You couldn't carry a tune if it was tied to you."

Alexa murderously glared at James, "I'm going to dance on your damn grave!" she hissed, whipping out her bow.

Asher laughed nervously, "Oooookay then, ummm...well, let's not get violent, liakáda."

Ariel grasped James's arm tightly, "Back down, sunray." He hesitantly tucked his dagger into the waistband of his jeans.

I observed the whole scene from my rock-hard mattress. I sniggered quietly under my breath. If only I had popcorn. "Enough fighting, we need to get on task." Ariel said. "Whoever this 'R' girl is, we need to find-"

Asher laughed, "Girl!? 'R' is obviously a dude."

Alexa, forever eager for conflict, glared at him. "What, a girl wouldn't be able to do that?"

He shrugged, "Well..."

Alexa huffed, "I'm gonna go find a grocery store, stock up on snacks." She hissed.

James childishly stuck his tongue out. Ariel bit her lip nervously. "Who cares about 'R's gender. Obviously R is skilled, but chooses to remain mysterious. Obviously R is stocked with assorted weapons. You don't see a person with a pure sapphire dagger every day."

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