Chapter One: On Death Row

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I nervously play with the hemming of my shirt, my lip was probably going either start bleeding now or in the next five minutes, and my eyes darted around the empty street.

I have see no one, no one in two hours.

I've gone into numerous stores, ranging from clothing, to electrical, grocery stores and to cafe's- yet no one was there, there we cold coffees and tea, bags dropped on the floor, money on the cashier counters, and that's not the worst part of this little horror scene.

There were cards discarded in the middle of the road, buses too, and some cars were crashed into walls and things, and then... there were the shoes on the pavements. Hundreds of them- like someone high jacked a Shoe House Warehouse truck and threw shoes around the streets.

I rubbed my face, wondering if I was missing something, I should find a radio- mobile phone! I went to grab my mobile, but I paused for a moment, before I hurried into the electrical store and turned my own phone off- don't want to waste my battery.

My hands grabbed onto a little red radio and I switched it on, only hearing static. I frowned, fiddling with the dial as I tried to find a radio station- come on, Dan and Phil should be on or something.

I felt my stomach drop as I turned the radio off and looked around the electrical store, "Okay, call down mate, it's just a-a...

I should head back to the hotel, nothing safer than thirteen floors with multiple exits than a hotel that will have some form of device to contact someone, wait... I picked the phone on the counter up and put it to my ear- a dead tone.

My hand drops it and it clatters off of the counter before hanging limp from the cord, okay... calm- steady your breathing. 

I stumbled out of the door, my eyes flickering all over the place- this isn't good, there isn't a soul in sight. I pressed my palms together and evened my breathing, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts

Right, I came... that way! I hurried down the pavement- towards my hotel.

Maybe this is just a big prank? Prank the Australian Tourist-- I can see the head lines now. Well, I guess I could press charges or something if they are... but if it is, isn't this just a bit to much to be a prank?

Empty the streets and stores, leave cars and mobile phones abandoned all over the place... this is much bigger than a prank, I wonder what it is? Maybe some weird form of a Flash Mob? I hope i'm not ruining their recording, oh god... I hope i'm not!

An hour and a half later I found myself at the front of my hotel, then I heard a blood curdling scream- fuck-shit-bitch! 

I ran into the hotel and straight to the fire escape, it's the Zombie Apocalypse! Run for your life!

Suddenly I tripped up the stairs and fell down six stairs, "Dayum, that hurts like a bitch" I grumbled, stumbling up the stairs and to my room where I locked my door, time to go back to sleep and hopefully wake up from this Nightmare.


I woke up and quickly jumped into the shower and pulled a white tank top on, a green rain jacket, jeans, black converse and then put a small heart ring on my finger, dove earrings (a gift from my sister), a rose necklace and tightened my black watch on my wrist.

I slipped my phone into my pocket again, the one with my sisters iPhone case that said some lyrics from her favourite band or something on there.

My feet carried my down the fire escape stairs and I walked out into the Lobby, "Ello?" I called, jumping onto the counter and ringing the bell... nothing.

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