Chapter Two: The Call

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"Seriously?" I asked nervously, my fingers itching to grab my phone and ring my family.

"Seriously" I stared at Liam, what if they'll kill me while i'm on the phone with them? Leave them with the sound of me dying- to torture even more people? That's what psycopaths do, right?

"Do you need a phone?" Liam starts reaching into his pocket,.

"I-uh-no! No, I got one!" I fumbled with my hands, patting myself down as I tried to remember what pocket I had my phone in, then I pulled it out and almost dropped it again, but I caught it... so it's okay.

"You like our band?" someone cockily snickers.

"You guy's are fine, but I prefer others over yours, my sister got this for me as a graduation present- to think of her while I stay here as  a Graduation present... and a birthday present" I mumbled, trying to get them to feel guilty.

I peeked through my lashes as I held the button for it to switch on and saw them all exchange a look, not sure what it was, but it was still a look... my deducting skills are dying on me. The horror.

"Uh... can I have some privacy?" I whisper.


"You guy's can stand outside of the door, i'll be in here - lock me in if you don't trust me... I just want to be alone while I say good-bye" I feel my chest be weighed down, the last time i'll hear from my family - talk to them even.

"Fine, we'll be out side, so no funny business" then they poofed away and the door bangs shut. I pressed 'Home phone' and held the speaker to my ear. My legs felt like jelly as I waited and waited for someone to pick up.


"Oh thank god, mum-"

"~This is the Williams home phone, sorry we can't answer the phone right now, but leave a message after the tone and we'll get back to you!" - Beep -

I fell onto my bum, my back against a shelf as I sobbed, I won't be able to talk to them... I won't be able to hear their voices before I... become Vampire food.

"H-hi mum, dad, kids..." I tried to make my tone happy, upbeat even- but it didn't seem to work. I quickly gathered myself up and tried not to break out into silent sobs- I don't have much time, I just have enough time to say good-bye.

Don't waste it Rory.

"Right, first I would like to thank you all for scraping the money up to send me to London, it was such a wonderful surprise... and I-I can't thank you enough for it. I know times are tough right now, and they might become tougher soon..." I squeezed my eyes shut as I breathed in deeply.

"But I just wanted to tell you something. Mum, I love you. Even though you might think I don't, with every little fight we had, with every little shove you did to get me to go out into the world, and with every heart to heart we've had- to the laughs we shared... I love you. I love the way you can cheer me up a-and you kept my secrets... I wish I could thank you enough for everything you've done for me, but-but... they're not enough words to put them in. Mum, I hope you'll keep your head up and not let me... l-leaving pull you down"

My hand goes over my eyes as I supported my head, not wanting to actually say good-bye to a recording system- or even at all.

"Dad, I know we get into a few arguments about Star Trek and stuff, but I meant every last word. My telly shows will always be better~" I smiled breifly for a moment.

"But I hope you know, that I do love you. Every time you dragged me about, to training and things, every whine and huff I did- I just want you to know I did enjoy it- it was our father-daughter time together. Even though we don't like human contact and things, we prefer books to movies and television shows that make us think, I just hope you will be able to take care of mum and the kids with the knowledge of me looking over you guy's... okay? I love you dad... I-I love you..." I choked out, I pulled the phone away from my ear for a few moments while I bury my face into my shoulder, trying to get rid of the strangled cries and pleas that were trying to escape my lips.

London's Survivor V V (1D)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora