Chapter Four: Rules

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I was pushed onto the couch gently and stared at the Vampire's while I tried to mask my fear - which is extremely hard to do because they're blood thirsty monsters you tell your kids about.

"Don't look so scared Rory, we won't hurt you-"

"I'll believe it when I see it" someone come's over and hugs me from behind and I screamed, I flailed around in the guys hands and suddenly a hand was put over my mouth.

"Shh, we have super sensitive ears woman"

"Mmmm!" I grabbed at the guys hand and struggled to get it off.

"Harry, get off of her" Liam snaps while he walked past us and grabbed Harry by the neck and threw him through the wall. My hands smacked over my mouth and I stared at him in shock.

"Oh.... ha-ha... sorry about that, I get angry when i'm mad... like Hulk"

Slowly I shrank back into the couch while two suddenly became four and they all stared at me, "Liam, dammit man, you ruined her"

"I did not!"


"Anyway, first rule sweet heart-"

"Don't call me that" I mumbled, glaring at Louis.

"Sweet heart, first rule - you don't leave the room without one of us or telling us"

Staring at me I awkwardly stared back at him, "Brilliant, you understand!" he grins at me.

"Rule number two, you aren't allowed to escape or we will hunt you down and-"

Niall clears his throat as I stare at Louis horrified, everyone gave him a look, "Basically, what Louis is trying to say is - don't try to be difficult or we'll do something bad..." 

"That sound's so much worse man" I choked out, grabbing onto my shirt while staring at the crazy Vampires - well, never thought i'd use that phrase before.

"Okay, so-"

"Third rule, you play inside when it's raining, okay gorgeous?" I jumped out of my skin before I climbed off of the couch and stared at Harry inn horror.


"I can read you like an open book gorgeous, plus I can kind of read minds"

I stared at him in horror, "Oh god... you're like Edward Cullen!" I howled with laughter, pointing at his shocked face as I cried. I turned, holding on my stomach as my fear quickly vanished and I crouched down, trying not to piss myself with the idea this guy sparkles.

"... Do you... do you sparkle too mate?" I fell onto my bum, crying at his blank face as the other's bit their lips and stared at Harry.

"Yeah Harry, do you sparkle?" Zayn muses, staring down at me as I laughed my head off.

"Dear god - I at least thought Vampire's would be more like Dracula - not like a sparkling twit"

"Ha ha, I was kidding" Harry gives me an annoyed look as I continued to laugh my head off.

"Wait, do you guy's actually sparkle or...?"

"We don't sparkle-"

"Thank the lord for the best new's i've heard since I woke up" I smirked before looking down at my hands, "But now i'm screwed, stuck with one's that don't sparkle - guess you guy's aren't no human-aterian, eh?"

"I actually like drinking blood from a girl of the age of - hey is that picture crooked?" Niall walked out of the room and I stared after him, judging him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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