Post ALL the lryics!!

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Okay so apparently you wanted me to post the entire song so I shall.

I'm that one girl who's thinking about you.
The one you never seem to notice much.
I gotta look away 'cause others catch me staring.
You're a shooting star that's way too quick for me.

One day you'll take my hand and we'll ride on a magic carpet.
One day we'll see all of outer space.
Maybe we could learn to fly from all our fears.
And you might be the one to wipe away my tears.

You've become my friend and everything was going well.
But then my heart broke when I saw you with that other girl.
I know you like her too and I don't want to seem selfish.
Yet I still daydream about us and it goes like this.

One day you'll take my hand and we'll ride on a magic carpet.
One day we'll see all of outer space.
Maybe we could learn to fly from all our fears.
And you might be the one to wipe away my tears.

Now I know what some of you may be thinking. "Oh I totally know who she wrote this about." And you are wrong.

I don't like anyone. I promised myself that I couldn't like anyone anymore. End of story. Enjoy the song.

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