
18 6 1

I was tagged by BillCipher333  so....

Favorite cartoon movie?
The Road To El Dorado most likely.

Favorite live-action movie?
Napoleon Dynamite.

Favorite cartoon TV show?
Gravity Falls.

Favorite live action TV show?
Doctor Who!

Favorite color?
If I had to choose? Blue probably.

A dog named Charlie.

Favorite thing to draw?
Cartoon ponies. It's the easiest thing to draw.

Favorite chip flavor?
Nacho cheese Doritos.

Favorite animal?

Favorite Disney Princess?
Either Aurora or Tiana.

Waffles or Pancakes?

Apples or oranges?
Well I hate oranges so apples.

Pencils or markers?

Android or Apple?
Apple all the way people!

Favorite band?
Does Pentatonix count? If not, Fall Out Boy.

I shall be tagging:
No one.

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