Chapter 3 - the party

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Hey guys you guys have been so supportive don't forget to comment characters remember your Handel/name thingy will be mentioned in my little comment thingies like this one!! Well here you go it later that day Friday.

Rapunzel's POV

After the sub place I went to my room and sat down trying to study but then a big gust of wind blew open the windows and made it super cold in my dorm. I walked over to the window and I was about to close them when I noticed the beach across the road and I saw Merida setting up and starting to get ready for the party. ' Merida's parties have always been really fun' I thought 'maybe ill go. But I do not want to see Flynn. I know I'll just dodge him the whole party! Brilliant!' I thought.

Hey guys this might be my last update for a while. Sorry!!! I'm thinking about doing a big four thing after this!!

It was nearing eight and I was still at war with my self. So after a big fight in the mirror I won. Wait I ... I mean I'm going to the party because I would've won either way......... Any way I had a pretty cute dress in it was purple with pink linings I had my hair in a braid that ariel had done for me. I was on my way to the party and I saw Flynn waiting right outside my dorm house thingy. On any normal day I would've flicked my hair out out my ear so it would cover my face. But my hair was back in a beautiful braid so I had to find a way around him. So when he wasn't looking I dove into a bush and then I made a quick transition behind a tree and off to the party I was I was walking a cross the street when I saw a boy with a blue hoodie. He wasn't like anyone I've seen before. When I went I get a closer look he turned around and I quickly looked away and I made a beeline to the beach. Once I to there it was crowded so crowded even with my hair up people still were stepping on it. It hit the ground just right so that people could step on it. So I saw a little opening in the crowd. I squeezed my way through the crowd towards the middle of the opening. Once I was in the middle I saw the boy again but this time he way looking at me and not the other way around. Right when we made eye contact I blushed and looked at my feet and I realized I hadn't brought shoes! I was so embarrassed until a pair of almost white feet appeared in front of my feet. When I looked up he was standing right there. I let in a little gasp.

"Hi I......I'm Rapunzel."I said as red as a tomato.

"Hi. I'm Jack Frost" we were practically shouting.

"Do you want to go somewhere quieter?" Jack said.

"That would probably be best"I said

So after we went to the party he dragged me through the dark into this building where we came to a room. He pulled out his card and he opened the dorm and sitting in there was merida and a scrawny boy.

IM BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!! Sorry it took so long!!! Well here you go!!! Oh ps this is dedicated to litlemisssunshine16 read he stories!!!

Earlier with Merida's POV

After Wendy left I was going to try to enjoy my party. But it was so loud! My ears were practically bleeding! So I went into the woods that was right by the beach. I walked for a while and then I heard something. I always carry my bow with me so I loaded it and waited. Then I heard a stick crack and I pulled back my arrow and said, " who's there" then out of nowhere a ginormous black creature came out of nowhere! I screamed and aimed my bow and just as I was about to shoot, a scrawny boy with brown hair and green eyes came out of the bushes

" no! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" He screamed

"Are ye joken?" I screamed back

"Put down your bow"

" NO"

" trust me"

Panting heavily but still aiming I looked at the boy. There was something about him that made it easier to trust a complete stranger. So I put my bow down very slowly with my eyes only on the boy. When it was to the ground the creature relaxed. Then then boy stepped in front of the monster and put out his hand to help me up. I grabbed his puny hand and he helped me up.

"I'm hiccup"


"Yeah it's Viking origin. The names were used to scare off trolls but there are obviously no trolls around here anymore."

"Heh yea what about ..."

"Hm? Oh toothless"

"Ye named it toothless."

"Heh yeah he's my pet dragon"


"So I'm hiccup this is toothless and you are?"

"Oh I'm Merida"

It was awkward and I was looking at my shoes when I looked up he was staring at me

"Hey do you want to go for a ride?" He said finally

"On yer dragon"

"Umm yeah but I you don't want to-"

"I'D LOVE TO!!!!"

Next thing I knew I was on a dragon. It was soo cool!!!we were soaring up into the night sky straight up then straight down we did loop-dee-loops! It was awesome hiccup kept on yelling at toothless for something I couldn't hear.

Hiccup's POV

I could tell that toothless didn't like Merida. I really liked her though. But toothless kept on trying to knock her off so I turned back to see if merida was okay and she wasn't there any more!

Merida's POV

Toothless took a sharp turn and it flew me off his back next I knew hiccup was screaming my name and I was in a lake... Luckily. He quickly flew down to see if I was ok.

"Merida! Merida! Merida are you ok?" I heard his muffled voice as I swam up to the top if the water.

"Merida! I am so sorry toothless can be stubborn sometimes." He said

" it's ok I needed the bath" I said jokingly

"Hey come with me and I'll clean you up."


"BEHAVE!" he said to his dragon then we landed on a campus it looked like but I couldn't tell. When we came to a room there was no one in it. Then he got me a towel then he sat me down on a bed.

" thanks" I said.

"No problem" it was awkward when I looked up we locked eyes and he started to lean in when.........

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