Chapter 4 -The Afterparty

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Hey guys sorry its been a while summers been hectic! Please comment on who you think should be put in the story thanks and here we go!

Merida's POV

He leaned in really close almost until his nose was touching mine when we heard someone jiggling the handle. We quickly turned our heads to see Rapunzel with some white haired boy. I had to think fast so I quickly slipped him my number and punched his arm
" and that's fer kidnappin meh" and just when I got to the door I turned around to see his speechless face. I felt bad so I blew him a little kiss and stormed away.

Sorry this was short there'll be more later love you guys! ok so please comment so I can give you a voice in my ok so here we go

Rapunzel's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw when we walked into his dorm! She was sitting there with a boy!!! The last time that happened was in 7th grade with Norvel Macintosh, but that ended very poorly with some girl from DreamWorks junior high.

Merida's POV

I can't believe I just did that! I vowed that after the Norvel incident I would never date again, well at least not until I could move far away from HER!!!!! Astrid Hofferson has been my mortal enemy ever since kindergarten. I have never done anything to tick her off. In kindergarten she stole my best friend away from me. Every time I would make a friend in grade school she would bribe them away from me. Every time I would throw a party she would invite everyone, except me! It would always 10x bigger than mine! 7th grade: my first boyfriend. Norvel Mactinosh was his name. He was perfect! He was adorable and he was the captain of the junior varsity team, my dream guy. 3rd date we decided to go out and sit on the bleachers and snack and watch the track team. I thought the only team that was practicing was track but of course not the cheerleaders were there too, and guess who's the cheer captain! Astrid Hofferson! I go to get popcorn from concessions and what do I find when I come back? Astrid Hofferson sitting on the lap of my boyfriend! We broke up and she lost all interest in him! Coincidence I think not! So I know I'm going out on a limb with hiccup but I don't care right now he's nice.

Wendy's POV

After Merida's party I went back to my dorm to study. As I'm going over the simple stuff like basic trigonometry when I hear a faint psssst!! I look up confused but then I remember my trigonometry. As I return to my studies I see a pair of green sneakers and when I look up peter's right there!!! "PETER?!?!?!?!?!?" I screamed "What are you doing here?!?!" I whispered "I just wanted to see what kind of fun stuff you did after school! I mean all throughout the school day its boring, boring, boring!! She has to do something fun after school! I mean everyone, no matter how dull they are have that one thing that makes them light up, like the stars light up the night sky. Soooooo?" he rambles on for what seems like forever! " what ?" I ask " what's yours" he asks "I don't have time for childish games peter I must study!!!!" " oh come on you must've been studying forrrr.....?" " I've been studying for 5 minutes" " hey in my book that's forever how about I treat you to a milkshake?" "well I suppose one milkshake won't kill me." " that's the spirit Wendy! Sort of ! Come on lets go!!!!!"

sup peeps

Wendy's back and getting milkshakes with peter apparently DONT FORGET TO COMMENT!!!!!

Who do you want to see more of?....less of?

GIVE ME INPUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

later dudes!!!!

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