Chapter 11 :O

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Hello Everyone,

Its alright I havent died I am still here,

I promised to upload and here it is so hopefully you all like it :)

also I am in love with Listen to Your heart by Roxette

I put it on the side to!!! listen to it.....ITS SOO GOOOD!!!

Thats all for now 


MesmerzingGold <3

Chapter 11

Stella POV

Chapter 11

We had left soon after Trey had confessed to me who my father really was. I lay back in my seat in the car glancing out my side window as the world went past by in a blur, not really thinking about anything in particular. Trey gently tapped his fingers to the song playing in the background against the console in-between us.

The light of the day slowly turning into the darkness of the night, I had no idea where we were going, though I assumed it was to another safe house or whatever Trey had called them. My eyes slowly drifted off on their own accord, falling into a deep sleep.

 Waking up I found myself looking at a mansion covered by old vines and trees. We seemed to have gone through deep forest as the mysterious shadows cast by the spidery branches of the trees clawed out at the small amount of light being cast out by the car I sat in. Trey had stopped the car and without a word got out in one quick motion. Instinctively I got out following in his footsteps, scared to be alone out the darkness of the night. Tristan and Sid parked their car near where we did, getting out and following us as well.

 The door leading to the massive mansion looked withered and old. Cracks ran up through the wood like someone had tried to claw at it to get in. It didn’t seem like a welcoming place, though I knew if I stayed close to the boys I would be safe enough. Trey grabbed the handle of the door gently turning it as the door clicked open.

 He opened the door to a dark room, the only light coming from a nearby fire. The ceiling held a beautiful glass chandelier, small crystals dangled from it swaying slightly as they glinted in the moonlight. Following Trey I stepped into the room. Warmth instantly wrapped around me as the heat of the fire warmed the house.

 Looking around the small room, I noticed a chair that rested by the nearby fire, though the chair wasn’t the thing that had me curious. It was the man that sat on that chair. He looked as though he had been waiting for us as he sat in a very formal style. Glasses perched on top of his nose; slowly he stood up and walked over to us. An aurora of elegance and formality radiated from him as he took one of Trey’s hands in his own and gave him a small smile. Trey looked at him with an unreadable expression on his face, his eyes showed the emotions of loss and sadness. The man didn’t say a word as he gently took Treys hand in both of his own giving it a squeeze.

 “It’s been a long time, Trey”

 His voice broke through the air, revealing the qualities of care and gentleness held beneath it. His voice was beautiful, like a string played from a cello.

 “It has.”

 Trey’s voice broke as he spoke. It was one that failed to conceal the pain that he felt. He broke from the man’s gaze looking down at his feet, as though he was ashamed of himself.

 The man only returned Trey with another kind smile before dropping his hand. His eyes, so captivating, were like diamonds glinting in the moonlight as he turned to me, his eyes held me captive, as though he could control me with just one look. I held my breath as I saw his old, though handsome face. He resembled a man that had lived his life, with many experiences and memories. His face now worn and tired showed once a very handsome young man.

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