Chapter 8

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So here is another upload that i had the urge to writelast night or well early this morning at about 2:00am

Put your feet up enjoy and Relax:)

Chapter 8

Trey drove the car in the pitch black. Even with the headlights on the car it still seemed so dark out there. Sid and Tristan rode in the car behind us. Though Trey insisted that he drove me in his car.

We sat in silence both in our own worlds. I looked out the window into the black of the night. I had gone to sleep and it felt like we had been driving for ages.

I looked over at Trey, his eyes a beautiful shade of blue. The moon shined down on them making them looking magical. The creases on his forehead shaped into a frown, he seemed in deep thought.

 I looked down to his hands as they clutched tightly on the stirring wheel of his car. The whites of his knuckles glowed in the moonlight. Only then did I realize that I had been staring at him for an awfully long time. Thankfully he hadn’t seemed to notice.

I cleared my throat sitting up straighter in my seat. Taking another glance at Trey. His jaw tensed and I quickly looked away, a blush creeping up my neck knowing he caught me looking at him. The silence held thick in the night air

“Where are we going?”

I asked merely above a whisper, I wondered if he heard me

“Just some place”

He said quick and short. He didn’t even turn my way

Great work Stella I thought to myself, he doesn’t even want to talk to you

I pushed that thought away and thought back to that man lying on the floor. Those eyes that looked so scared worried, even a look of regret. Those eyes that will haunt you forever I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes feeling a tear rush down my cheek, quickly I wiped it away hoping Trey hadn’t seen.

“who…who was that man Trey?”

I asked my voice croaky and hoarse.

I glanced at him waiting for him to say something. His jaw tensed and his lips thinned

He looked like he was debating if he should tell me or not.

“Its safer if you don’t know”

He said in a tight voice

“Trey please, I deserve to know, haven’t I gone through enough already?”

Why was he so stubborn he couldn’t keep this from me forever?

“You really want to know Stella?”

He looked at me obviously pissed off. His tone telling me to drop it. I looked into his eyes nodding my head afraid to speak.

“That man works for your father, Denis”

He spat my fathers name out with so much hate I flinched at his tone


He stopped as if finding the write word to say

“Dealing with certain matters. One of those matters I dealt with.”

Trey said in a tight voice as if holding back the anger he had of that man.

I looked back out of the window thinking of what Trey had said. It didn’t make sense; I still had no idea of what or who that man was. What matters was what he was talking about and what had this to do with my father.

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