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  Now  hopefully  you know  what  a  bass "woofer" is. If  you don't it's this box shaped stero like speaker  system that makes your music really really  Loud! I think  it's  funny  to watch Pv put in a system though, He cusses like a sailor when something doesn't go right. Well,  Pv  decided  to play  something  from Lil Wayne.. and  the first  thing you hear from Marquis' room  is  " Shut that  damn piece of  shit  off!!" I always  think  that was  funny and still quite is to be honest. But, the  thing is yesterday was the last day of  school.  so  it's  official  i'm a Freshman. Scary thought for my mom right? Hahaha!  

------------------------TWO WEEKS PASSED------------------------

  So it's  just  casual  Tuesday right? yeah Well Marquis  wanted me to get a new wardrobe. I wasn't to found  about it  but  he told me it'd help me pick some  chicks  up or even get me a girlfriend. That's  when  I thought  "oooh man  a  girlfriend? I'd  like to have  one."  So anyways, Marquis and  I took a  drive on over to Sharon. We  pulled into the mall. As soon as  we parked  the  car and  stepped  out, We got called  "niggers".. Man  I was  sure  in the hell mad.  But Marquis  told  me  to  brush  it  off because, they were racists and  didn't  know  a black man  to an actual nigger. He told  me An actual nigger  is  an ignorant person. A Black man  is  a wise, nice, faithful and loyal man. He told  me  That's  how  I should  be treated so i took his word for it. He  basically was  stating, that some people  don't  know  from right and wrong whether  it's  your religion, race, color, sexuality.. But, To just say "My Enthincity is  more  important than some  bullshit names" And  he was  right. 

  After awhile of  shopping Marquis  said  I had  "class". He also  did  too. We kind of  looked like  "gangsters" from the 60's  or  50's?  i don't  know, I wasn't  paying attention to the dates. meanwhile, The ride  home  was  pretty good until  there was  a drive  by.. And  It was  a long  one.


"huh?" I said

"GET DOWN KINGSTON" marquis said with  frustration as  he  pulled  me down  into the seat.


For  atleast  five minutes I was  crouched down. Then, I saw  Marquis  grab  a hand  gun from the  glove apartment. He handed it to me and  told  me to  load  it just  in case. So I did  as he said, I loaded  the 9mm Glock. He grabbed it from  my  hands  and  shot  at the guys  who  were  trying to  drive  by us.  I guess  he  shot one of the tires on the other car. I looked  up a  little bit and  we were  driving at the speed  of 75mph.. After 20 minutes of  shooting  and reloading the gun..  The shootings stopped. I was  honestly  scared shitless. 

  We pulled into my drive way and talked.

"aye kingston Uhmm you alright there?"

"Yeah man  i'm fine.. just about shit myself though"

"Yeah, well understood. I need  you to come  over around 8:00pm tonight, You able to do that?"

"Uhh I can  try coming  over. Do I need  to  bring anything?"

"Naah man,  I got that covered." 

"alright man,  see you at eight then?" As  I said getting out of the car.

"Yeah man  8.  see ya  later man" 

I watched him pull out of the drive way and  drove down the street and  turned.. Afterthat, I ran  inside.

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