Chapter 19

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**Tessa's dress**

I rode with Carly to school today, I hadn't heard from Jake at all today, that was unusually odd. He wasn't in first hour either, I asked Conrad and Noah if they knew where he was, they just shrugged and said they didn't know.

Lunch came and there was still no sign of him, I was worried. I sat with Conrad, Noah and Carly. I didn't have an appetite, so I decided not to eat today. Everyone was having side conversations, I hadn't realized it at the moment, but I went into a daze, thinking about everything. Someone tapped my shoulder, and of course, I screamed, putting all of the attention on me. I turned around to see that it was Jake, he held a poster up that said "I know this is cliche, but Tessa May Bradley, would you do me the honor of going to prom with me? Check yes or no" I smiled, and blushed, I grabbed a marker, checked yes, and stood up and gave him a hug and a sweet kiss. He sat down beside me. "Where were you?" I asked him. "I was planning this out all morning, I wanted it to be a surprise, which it was when you screamed all girly" he said chuckling. "Shut up!" I said slapping his arm playfully. "Make me" he said smirking. "Oh, you'd like that, now wouldn't you?" I said winking. "You are the biggest tease, babe. It's not fair" he whined. "But you love it" I said grinning. "Damn right I do" he stated.

The bell rang and Jake walked me to my next class. "Meet me at my locker after school?" I asked. He nodded, pulling me into a kiss, in which I gladly returned. This boy is going to be the death of me.

The bell rang, dismissing us. Jake was already at my locker. "Hey baby" I said to him, "hey love, dinner tonight at 7, be ready, wear something cute and formal" he stated. "Sure thing" I replied. We intertwined our fingers and walked out to his car. He dropped me off at my house and told me he'd be back at 7.

"Come over? I need help getting ready! I have a date with Jake at 7, he said to wear something cute and formal" I said over the phone to Carly. "Be there in 5!" She yelled through the phone.

Carly arrived, going straight to my closet. She tossed clothes everywhere. She pulled out a pink dress, with silver on it below the breasts, silver sparkled heels, and a silver necklace with pink earrings. The outfit was beautiful. "Thankyou! What would I do without you!" I said hugging her. "That's what I'm for!" She said hugging me back. Carly curled my hair for me, and I did my makeup, it was simple, yet elegant. Carly then left with Noah afterwards. It was now 6:55 pm, he should be here any minute.

The door bell rang, I opened the door to be presented with red roses, he's so sweet to me, I love it. "Tessa, you look absolutely gorgeous" he said amazed. "Thank you. You look handsome." I said blushing. "Why thank you" he said back. We intertwined our fingers and went out to his car, he opened the door for me, I got in and he closed it, then got into his side. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. "You'll see" he replied grinning. "I hate when you do this" I whined at him. "You'll live" he said smiling. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said annoyed, he chuckled.

15 minutes later, we pulled up to a small, yet fancy restaurant. He put his arm around my small back, and led me in. "Good evening" we were both greeted. I smiled back at the waiter. "Right this way" he said, leading us to a booth. Jake sat across from me. "Can I get you lovely young lads a drink?" The waiter asked. "Yes, champagne for both, please." Jake replied. "Yessir, I'll be back momentarily". Jake just nodded.

We ordered our food, and spent the rest of the dinner joking around, talking about anything and everything, it was truly amazing. It was one of the best night that I've had in awhile. Jake paid the pill and tipped the waiter, intertwined our fingers together, and led me to the car once more. "Thank you" I said looking at Jake. "Don't thank me princess" he said back. "I love you Jake Morgan Huntington." I said. I love you too Tessa May Bradley" he said back. "Stay the night with me tonight? It's Friday and my Mom is away on business and I'll be lonely all night" I said with a puppy dog face. "Of course" he replied back smiling.

We climbed into bed, us both cuddling. We both fell into a deep slumber.

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